Act1; Scene 6

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TW: Mentions of lying about someone's sexual and gender identity, mentions of homophobic actions, mentions of toxic parents, slight cursing (Remus)

Remy never met Remus' brother. The twins don't go to the same school, less chance of them getting associated with each other. But, you can't not know Roman Prince. He's like- the Regina George of Remus' life. The Heather Chandler (from the musical) of his school. And, he's a homophobe. And that doesn't sit well with Remy. The whole Deceit being pan fluid scandal proved that. Honestly, he wonders why they're still friends. Wait, does Remus know?

"Hey, Remus?"

Remus looked up from his book, "Yepo?"

"Why are Roman and Deceit still friends?"

Remus tilted his head, "What do you mean?"

"I meannn~, after the whole Deceit being pan fluid thing, Roman ditching him due to it. How can Deceit still stand him? He's clearly homophobic and Deceit expressed support for the community, either way."

Remus sighed. How to explain this? "Well, it's not like they have a choice. Our parents are business partners. They have to hangout, it's just how it works."

Well that didn't make sense to Remy. Why don't they have a choice? Remy feels bad for Deceit.

"I feel bad for you and his friends. Your brother's such a controlling jerk."

Remus doesn't answer. Is that true...? Remus never really paid enough attention to his twin in order for his opinion to be honest. But, now that he thinks about it...there's been plenty of times where Roman's actions kept Remus from getting into major trouble. Roman's life is controlled. Remus knows that, of course he does. But has he ever questioned to what extent...? His parents hate him because his views don't align with theirs. They want to seem perfect, and Remus challenges that. If Roman were to step out of line, as well...

"I gotta go," Remus stood up and left without a second glance.

Remy wrinkled his nose at being ditched, "Bitch.


Remus walked up to Roman's school. It's a public school, much to their parents' disappointment. There aren't any private schools around here. Remus spotted a boy in a purple hoodie standing just outside, talking to Logan. Remus didn't recognize him. Didn't he know everyone in his brother's social circle? Remus walked up to them.

"Hello~ (gl)Asses! Who's the emo?"

Logan went rigid and sighed, "Greetings, Remus. This is Virgil, the new student."

Remus tilted his head, "Why're you talking to him? He's not rich." Remus' mouth tugged at the bristling emo.

Logan looked exhausted, "He claimed me as his language partner and I didn't have a choice."

Remus smiled. Interesting little emo, "What language?"


Remus grinned, "¿Qué tan bien sabes español en este momento? Ya sabes, siempre puedes pedirle ayuda a mi querido hermano, idiota ~ de hecho, ¿por qué no vienes a nuestra casa y traes al pequeño emo oscuro ~?" (How well do you know Spanish at the moment? You know, you can always ask my dear brother for help, you idiot ~ actually why don't you come over to our house and bring the little dark emo ~? (How well do you know Spanish at the moment? You know, you can always ask my dear brother for help, you idiot ~ actually why don't you come over to our house and bring the little dark emo ~?)

The two blanched and Virgil just muttered, "Uh...sí...?"

Remus grinned, because Virgil has no idea what he just agreed to.

Virgil studied the boy named Remus. He looks like a chaotic Roman, "Are you related to Roman...?"

Suddenly, Roman ran up to all of them, looking panicked, "What is going on here?!"

Remus grinned, "Emo, aquí, acaba de aceptar que él y el nerd se acerquen para que los ayudes con el español."

(Emo, here, has just agreed to him and nerd stick coming over to have you help them with Spanish)


Remus was slightly surprised at the reaction, "Relax, it's not actually happening, the kid doesn't even know what he agreed to."

Roman let out a relieved breath, "Thank Zeus..." But then Roman started to panic again. WHY IS REMUS AT HIS SCHOOL!?!

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