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So, if you couldn't tell from my last chapter being posted, I'm ungrounded. I'm trying to do better in school, but it always feels draining and it feels like so much more work than it actually is- so I'm working on it the best I can

I make most of my announcements on here, since this is my most popular story- so I apologize if you're getting thrown off by the constant the constant notes rather than updates on the story line.


First off, I started a new story called "Love...Tangle" I've already updated it a bunch and that one gets them more often because it's supposed to be shorter than Performance, less "official." I'm considerably happy with it, so far, so I'd love if you went to check that out. It does indeed have Roman angst.

Second off, relating to this story-...

I didn't make a plan for this story until I was a few chapters in and noticed I was actually gaining an audience. I also do not completely remember the chapters I write, just the direction they guided the story in.

So, I don't remember if I started any plot lines I'm gonna need to fill in at some point in the story. If there are questions I left you with previously that you are expecting to get brought up again later, either tell me on this chapter or go find the section the potential plot hole is at and ask what questions it gave you so that I can take notes. I will literally die if I end this book and didn't answer anything that I mentioned previously- that would be unsatisfying to you and to me.

Thank you!

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