The Goa trip

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Finnaly most awaited Friday had come......
All four of them are busy in packing bags.

Friday evening..,,,
Everyone gathers at Neil's house.
Have their dinner and starts their journey to Goa.
Four of them decided share driving equally.
In car..
Neil is driving and Avni say beside him.
They four of them chit chat about some many things..they took so many pictures at beautiful sceneries.
Finally they reached Goa around mrg 4.
They checked in a hotel.ali and Neil in 1 room and Riya and Avni in they are very exhausted decided to take rest for 4 hrs.

At mrg 8a.m
Everyone completed their daily morning chores.

In boys room.
Ali: Neil.
Neil: ha bolo Ali
Ali: can I ask you something?
Neil: need to be so formal.
Ali: hmm... don't mind if I speak something wrong okay!!.
Neil: hmm..okay.
Ali: do u love Avni??.
Neil thinks for a while and smiles...
Ali: so u love her!!
Neil: yah..I love her
Ali: hmm...Avni is very strong and brave but she is also very emotional..and sometimes annoying...plz do take care of her.
Neil: I know..I will take care of her..but I don't know she will accept me or not.
Ali: don't worry!! I will support you
Neil: thank you.
Neil hugs Ali tightly.

After they hear a knock.
Ali opens the door.
Ali: Avni Riya...come inside
Avni: no problem..are u ready??
Ali: yah..we r ready
Avni: hmm..come let's have breakfast!
Ali:okay..Neil come fast
Neil: yah.. coming..

Four of them have their breakfast at same hotel and decided to go to u all know the best thing Goa is beach.
Four of them sit peacefully at beach..they enjoyed the movement and sounds of waves.
They took so many pictures and went to shopping.
While shopping Neil got very attracted some jewellery so he decided to gift to Avni.and Ali took a chain for Riya.
They also took so many things for their parents and dhadi's.
As u know shopping is very time's already afternoon they had their lunch a most famous restaurant.
And they also visited most famous balisica of BOM Jesus.
Finally they decided to see sun set at beach and reached beach.
Four of them waited for sun set.
Neil: Avni come let's go to that side.
Avni: kyu?? Yaha kya huva??.
Neil (whispers in her ear): give them some privacy..let's give them some space and time to spend with each other.
Avni: yah u r right..let's go
They both go some distance away
From them.
They watched the gave them new hopes and refreshment.
Avni: do u know it's the best sunset ever in my life..
Neil: too.not only only sunset..this trip will be the most memorable experience in my life.
Avni: I never know that sunset will be this beautiful.
Neil: this is the proof that endings are also beautiful.avni whatever happens it will happen for a reason just hope best..some times we won't get something..bcz something more valuable is waiting for us.
Avni: hmm thank you Neil.
Neil: it's okay Avni..just bcz 1 guy left doesn't mean u should stop trusting guys..hope for best..
Avni smiles at him
Avni: u r right Neil...
Neil: ha.. someone will be really waiting for Ur love..
Avni (smiles): hmmm
Neil: at this beautiful moment I want to promise u something .
Avni: what??
Neil holds Avni's hand and looks into her and says
Neil: no matter what happens I will always support u.
Avni: mee too Neil..I will be their for u.
Both smiles at each other.
Meanwhile avni's phone rings..
Ali: hey Avni
Avni: ha tell me
Ali:I'm taking Riya to surprise date..I'm gonna propose her today.
Avni(excitedly): r u serious??
Ali: ha... don't wait for us..gave Ur dinner in time okay??
Avni: okay sure!!
Call ends
Neil: u look so happy..what's news.
Avni: Ali is gonna propose Riya tonight.
Neil: wow great news.
Avni: yah I'm so happy.
Neil: okay in this happy occasion.what I want to do.
Avni: climate is very nice...I want to go for long drive!!
Neil: wow okay r car??
Avni: bike😬but how can we get bike right now??
Neil: I will take care of it.u don't worry..meh huna..u just get ready and will ready by then.
Avni: no need to get ready..I'm fine..make it fast.
Neil: ok 5 mins
Avni happily okay done 👍😊
Neil goes to near by vehicle ship and borrow a bike.
Neil: come let's go
Both goes to long drive..

Ali says Riya to get ready...Riya goes to get ready and Ali prepares for his surprise date.
He picks Riya and goes to body is around.
He closes riya's eyes and takes her forward and opens her eyes..
There's a beautiful table decorated with flowers and candle..there is only moon light and candle light.ali forwards his hand to Riya..Riya holds it.
They both move forward and Ali pushes a chair back and Riya sits on it and he settles in opposite chair.
Ali: how's my surprise.??
Riya: I didn't expect this's so beautiful.vsndle light dinner under stars at beach it's just awesome..thank you so much.
Ali: there is another surprise for u!!
Riya: what??.
Ali: first complete Ur food I will tell
Riya and Ali completes there food with little talk.
Riya: now tell me..
Ali: that is.....
He gets up and signals Riya to stand and then he bends on his knees and says...
Ali: Riya !!will hold my hand and walk rest of your life with me..I promise u that I will always make u matter what happens I will always support you..finally will me marry Riya Mehta!! R u willing to be Riya Ali Reza for rest of Ur self...
Riya stands there numb. tears roll down her eyes...she is very surprised and happy.
Ali: will u??
Riya holds his hands and hugs him tightly...yah I doo...I love you so much Ali..
Ali pulls himself from hug and keeps ring into her finger...
Riya: thank you so much..
Ali: here's another gift and he shows a chains it has ar on matter how for I'm it shows that I am always with u!!
Riya smiles and tears roll down..
Ali puts chain around her neck and they both hug each other.

Hey guys here's our next chapter..I hope u all enjoyed it...
Thank you
Take care

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