Lower Moons

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"A mortal woman becomes a powerful demon."

"Very well." Muzan said as he brushed his thumb against my cheek with care. I gazed up at his eyes and noticed the glow of curiosity and something else that I couldn't quite grasp.

"I'd like to do this back at the estate." He said, retracting his hands. I nodded and slid my fingers into his. I hesitated a moment after to see if he was uncomfortable. I smiled happily seeing he didn't mind.

We silently made our way home and I pondered on how this would work. "Will it be painful? Can I die from this? Am I sure I want to do this?" I felt my anxiety arise and I fiddled with my thumbs nervously.

Muzan noticed this and soothed me by caressing my hand with his thumb. My face grew hot in response and I used my free hand to cover my face. Muzan chuckled at my reaction and my face burned brighter.

We arrived and he stepped out of the car, once again under the umbrella's shade. He opened my door and helped me out. "Thanks..." I murmured. He smiled, a smile both creepy and warm. This man, he confused me to no end, yet I can't help but feel safe when I'm with him. Which is crazy because he's probably the most dangerous person I've ever met.

We walked inside the giant fortress and I heard the sound of an instrument. I didn't recognize what type of instrument it was but I heard it for sure.

I turned to look behind us and found that the entrance was no longer there. My eyes widened in surprise. "M-Muzan-" I was cut off. "Pay it no mind." He spoke in a gentle tone. He was about to add on but a familiar voice beat him to it.

"Kibutsuji-sama! T-The lower moons have just been summoned." Muzan seemed annoyed by the interruption made by Kireina. "I see.. then I suppose I should go. (Y/N) this will be good practice for when you become queen." Kireina widened her eyes in shock and I blushed. "A-Alright."

I watched as Muzan morphed into the form of a female and I instantly recognized it from the painting. "Ah.. well.. that's new." I was at a loss for words with what just happened. "You'll see there's a lot you don't know I can do." He spoke, his voice the same as it was.

He held my hand and I heard the loud instrument from earlier. Almost Instantly after I heard it we were standing in front of five different demons. He let go off my hand.

They looked around in confusion before their eyes landed on Muzan and I. One in particular seemed to be judging the two of us with their eyes. "What's the deal with these women? Who are they?" I heard him mumble. I glanced up at Muzan, waiting to see what he does.

"Lower your heads and crouch down, prostrate yourselves." He commanded them, power seeping through his voice. Immediately, they fell to their knees and began trembling. "I'm so sorry Master Muzan-" The demon girl pleaded. "Who gave you permission to speak?" He cut her off. "Answer my questions nothing else." He started. "Rui was killed. I'm talking about Lower Five. I have but one question to ask of all of you."

I stared at him in amazement, yet also fright. He was so powerful in this moment. "Why are you lower moons so pitifully weak?" He asked them in a serious tone. "For over a century the members of the upper ranks have stayed the same. Yet with the lower ranks they keep on getting killed by the Hashiras."

Muzan glared at the brown and orange haired demon in front. I followed his gaze but didn't find a reason for his behavior, until he spoke. "That's easy for you to say but we.." He seemingly mocked. "What? Go ahead and say it." His tone sending chills down my spine.

"Screwed how?" I guessed that Muzan was reading the demon's mind and that's what was happening. "Go ahead and say it." His face scrunched up in anger and something rose up behind us.

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