lecture seven

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saving your energy for things and people that are worth it

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saving your energy for things and people that are worth it.

focus: selfcare

often our society is a mess.
people just take and take but do not give something back.
then people like you and me will slowly lose their energy.
it destroys us.

these days we do not know if people have good intentions or not when they enter our lifes.
these days too much is taken for granted.

the time has come to save our energy for things that are truly worth it.
actually, we are the problem, the human beings. we are responsible for everything bad that happens on our planet. of course we also create beautiful things but this is another topic...

the point is that we are the ones who hurt each other.
my first advance is;
quality over quantity!

if i learned one thing it is that quality goes over quantity.
choose people you feel comfortable with. choose people who support you. spend time with people who give you good vibes.

stop wasting your time on people who just use you. people who hurt you. people who take your friendship, your support and all of your energy for granted.
they do not deserve you.

there will be people out there who will be thankful for everything you give. remember this.
do not be afraid of being alone.
of course this sounds easier than it actually is. but no one said growing would be easy peasy lemon squeezy...

growing needs to get out of your comfort zone.
but once you did it all the beautiful feelings will wait for you. and these are unbelieveable! i cannot even describe how amazing it feels to be happy on your own and to be independent.
you truly need to want to develop yourself.

if this is too much for you, you need more time.
be patient.
everything will be fine.

now, i have some examples for you to choose quality over quantity...

I. the people around you.
who makes you feel good?
who not?
why do the people around you act like this?
are they having a bad time?
or are they acting harmful for a longer time now?
did you talk to them about that?
real friends will understand you, they will try to change their behaviour, they will listen to you.
people, who do not deserve you, will not listen to you. they will try to find the mistakes on you.
do you need the person?
of course you cannot leave some people from today to tomorrow, this is a process too, but you can realize if these people are worth your energy or not and then treat them with a specific distance.

II. Social media.
this is a very dufficult theme in my opinion.
on the one hand it connects people from all over the world and it is fun and games but on the other hand it makes us sick. it makes us addicted. it conveys wrong values.
i learned to tidy up my social media.
let's take instagram for an example.
how many people do you follow?
do they let you feel good?
do they make you happy?
why are you following people, who make you feel bad?
you do not need them!
unfollow people, who make you feel like you are not good enough, too big, too small, too thick, too thin, too natural, ...
i unfollowed sooo many people.
people, who make fun of things, which hurt me. people who hurt me. people, who try to live their perfect life on instagram.
instead, follow people, who give you good vibes, who inspire you.
trust me, this step will let you feel better.
and please do not feel unhappy about having less follower, likes and comments.
this says nothing about you and your worth.
you are beautiful! and some likes or comments do not define your worth!

i think it is also helpful to reduce your social media time. a thing i need to learn either.
we are too addicted to this stuff, we forget that we have a beautiful nature to explore, a sketchbook to draw, a kitchen to cook fresh food and so much more!

i hope this lecture helped you!
see you soon:)

thank you for reading.



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