Chapter 1

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''Yes!'' You jump in the air out excitement as you leave the building you were just in: the Amblin Entertainment headoffice. You just got your first major role as a director! Well, assistant director but that counts too right? And not just someones assistant director,no, Steven Spielberg's! You smile wide. You immediatly ring your best friend Carrie Fisher. She picks up:

'Hey Y/N how did the interview go?' You smile, Carrie is always so spontaneous. 'Well? And? And?' and impatient. 'I got hired!' You say no longer keeping her in suspense. 'Thats great! What exactly is the project you're going to be working on?' 'Indiana Jones!' 'Oh.' She almost sounds disappointed. 'What is it?' You aks. 'Do you know how big of a deal that is?' You say getting a little angry. Shouldn't she be happy for you? She's your best friend! 'You do know that you'll also be working with Harrison Ford.' Carrie says. 'Oh, I hadn't thought about that.' All you hear on the other line is silence. It's quiet for a few moments. You dont need to be a genious to know that Carrie and you are both thinking about the same thing right now: Harrison and Carrie's affair, and especially how much it hurt Carrie. But not just Carrie, you too. You hated to see your best friend so broken. More importantly you hate the man who caused it, the same man with who you're supposed to be making a movie with: Harrison Ford.

You turn around, and turn around, and turn around again without being able to fall asleep. Tomorrow you'll be meeting a part of the crew including Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford. In the last few days you tried to make peace with the idea that you have to work with Ford, the man you've grown no hate so terrible without ever meeting him. But the idea still haunts you. Also meeting Spielberg is a pretty big deal, you heard stories about him and he's supposed to be a very nice man, so that's comforting. You will be meeting him, Ford, George Lucas and some other crew members as Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall at the Ritz at 10. You look at your suitcase in the corner of the room, all packed to go with you to Conneticut where you will be filming at the university. You sigh, you've never been the biggest fan of planes and flying. Carrie would always laugh at you and then say: 'But you're a movie director, you have got to travel for you work!' And then you would laugh, agreeing with your best friend that its just stupid.

You wake up the next morning by the sound of your alarm clock. Its already 9 o'clock! You have to hurry. Luckily you have lived in London all of your life, thats how you met Carrie, when she came to London a few years ago. You get dressed in something presentable but also comftorable on a plane. After you get dressed you realise you're not even going on the plane today but tomorrow. You look at your watch, nevermind you dont have time to change anyways.

You grab your suitcase and leave your appartment

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You grab your suitcase and leave your appartment. Just as you step on the street you get a text message. Its from Carrie;

text me if anything happens

And then another:

Oh and the cab that is now coming towards you, I ordered it for you :)

You smile. She really is the best. The cab stops. You get in and of you go.

At a quarter to 9 you arrive at the Ritz, sooner than you expected. You dont mind that you're too early. You've been early all of your life. When you went to high school you would always be there a half an hour before lessons started. You look around, the hotel really is fancy. You've been there before, on the day your older brother got married. You and your brother are completely different people. He is a succeful businessman and you are an almost succesful movie director. Growing up you loved eachother yes, but you always had a difficult relationship because you are both so different. You look around the loby and spot a familiar face. You look closer. It's a young man in his early thirties propably and he's reading a book. He has half long hair and glasses. He has nice glasses. It's Steven Spielberg! You decide to just go up to him.

'What are you reading?' You ask. He looks up. 'Treasure Island.' He says and shows you the book. You laugh. 'Really? A children's book?' He smiles. 'Why not.' He studies your face. 'Hey I recognise you, arent you my assistant director?' He asks. You smile. 'That's right, I'm Y/N Y/L/N nice to meet you.' Steven stands up and shakes your hand. 'Nice to meet you too. I would introduce me to you but you propably already know my name.' You laugh. 'Haha yeah.' Steven looks behind you to the door. 'Hey look who's here.' You turn around to see who he's talking about. 'Hey Harrison.' And none other than Harrison Ford comes walking up to you. Great. You think. Here goes nothing.

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