chapter 4

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You wake up that morning by the ringing of your alarm clock. You roll out of bed and put on your clothes. Jeans and a white sweater. You take your suitcase and backpack and go downstairs to meet everyone there. You run into Harrison in the hallway, who's also just coming out of his room. When he sees you he asks: 'Goodmoring, how was last night?' 'Good.' 'Just good? What did you do?' 'Just drinks nothing much.' You say, not really wanting Harrison to know anything and walk away.

You get to the lobby. Steven, George, Frank, Kathleen and Karen (Allen) are already waiting for you. You lock eyes with Steven and smile. He smiles too, wich gets you both a suspicious look from Karen. It doesn't bother you and you walk up to Steven. Harrison has also entered the lobby now. 'Okay folks.' Steven says. 'We'll all get a cab and meet back up at the airport.' You go outside. The first cab arrives. 'You guys can go first.' Steven says. George, Frank, Karen and Harrison get in. Once the door closes Steven says: 'Goodmoring did you sleep well?' You yawn. 'A bit short.' Steven smiles. You get into the next cab. Once you sit down next to Steven he taps on his shoulder. 'Come take a nap.' He smiles. You give his shoulder a soft kiss and then lay down with a smile. His shirt is soft, you think before you fall asleep.

After a short time Steven wakes you up. 'We're here, come on.' You rub the sleep out of your eyes and get your backpack. Offers you his hand to help you out of the car. You take it, and as if it is natural, you dont let go as you walk towards the airport, and neither does Steven.

The others are waiting for you in the arrival's hall. George turns around. 'Oh there you are!' He looks at your entangled hands and chuckles. He's not the only one that noticed, the others stare too. You quickly let go. Steven clears his throat. 'Hmhm, anyways let's check in.' You walk besides him, desperatly wanting to take his hand again but you dont, because you're slightly embarrassed.

Once you've checked in an got through security you all sit down in the gate, waiting to board the plane. All the seats are filled so just sit down beside the window. You look outside to the planes and shiver. 'Does flying scare you?' You turn your head, its Steven. He sits down besides you and looks you in the eyes. Genuinly worried if you're okay. You clench your jaw and nod. 'A little.' 'Me too.' You look up to Steven. 'Really?' You ask. 'Yeah it goes up and down and stuff and that makes me really uncomforble.' You nod. 'Exactly.' He sits down next to you. 'I have to talk to you about something.' 'Okay.' You say. 'I dont really know how to bring this, but I can't help but notice that there's something going on between us.' He looks at you tenderly. 'And please tell me this isn't coming from one side.' You smile. 'Its not.' 'Good.' You look at him. He's looking at you in such a tender way. It makes you feel warm inside. You adore him. And without you knowing he adores you too. 'Steve, come on we can board!' George calls from across the room. Steven gets up. 'Let's go.' You get your backpack and follow the rest on the plane.

You look at your ticket: row 7 seat b. You look over Steven's shoulder. Row 9 seat a. Too bad. You would have liked to spend a ten hour flight with him. You sit down. At least you got the window seat. George comes up to you. 'Y/N this is my seat, but I would rather sit close to the wing. I'll ask Steven if he would be okay with switching places with me.' He winks. 'Oh George thank you!' You say. He smiles. 'I'll just pretend that this was my idea and Steve didnt ask to switch with me.' You chuckle.

Only a few seconds after you finish your converstion with George, Steven sits down next to you. 'Very subtle.' You say. 'What?' He asks innocent. 'Oh no George told you didnt he.' You nod. 'Yes he did. Dont worry Steve I think it's sweet.' Steven smiles. 'Is it okay that I call you Steve?' You add. 'Well I did just convince George to sit next to you. And believe me that man was attached to his seat.' He says. You smile. The plane takes off. 'I'm kidding, it only took me a second to let him sit here.' Steven adds. 'Well I'm glad you did it. I like the idea of spending a 10 hour flight with you.' You admit. Steven smiles. You lay down on his shoulder and sigh. 'You comftorable?' He asks. 'Very.' You look out the window. The clouds beneath you, the sun on your face.

After a few hours Steven and you have already told eachother your life stories and really got to know eachother. It's getting darker. 'Y/N can I ask you something?' Steven asks. 'Yes of course.' 'You dont have to anwser but what happened between you and Harrison? I saw the way you looked at him.' You look away. 'Oh god please tell me you guys didnt take.' 'No nothing like that.' You stand up from your seat to see where Harrison is sitting. A few rows away, he wont be able to hear you. You sit down. 'Okay listen.' You start and Steven leans closer because you're almost whispering. 'You have to promise me not to talk about this to anyone.' Steven nods. 'I promise.' 'Good. Okay when they were filming Star Wars Carrie and Harrison slept together.' Steven chockes on his drink. 'He was married!' People turn their head your way. 'Shh not so loud.' 'Sorry go on.' You continue: 'They had an affair for about 3 months and it kind of emotionally wrecked Carrie.' Steven shakes his head. 'Ow I'm so sorry.' You both sit in silence for a moment. 'Why did you tell me this?' Steven asks. 'Because you asked.' 'You could have lied.' 'I guess I trust you with the truth.' Steven looks at you with tenderness in his eyes. It makes you feel warm inside. You lean towads him untill your face is only a few inches away from his. You both smile. 'I really like you Steven.' He smiles and then he presses a soft kiss on your lips. You close your eyes and kiss him back. 'See, flying can be fun.' Steven jokes. You chuckle and press your face in his chest. He puts his head on yours and wraps his arms around you. That's how you fall asleep. 

You wake up when you feel the plane going down. It scares you so you grab Steven's hand. He lets out a small squeek. 'Sorry.' You say and you let go. 'No its okay.' He offers you his hand again and wraps his other arm around your shoulder to make you feel safe. You take a deap breath. 'Thank you Steven.'

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