Suna Rintaro - Project Disaster

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I kin this man. Is it a bad thing?


"Why did the teacher had to put me with this sleepy-head?" I murmured as I looked at my phone. Suna Rintaro was my project partner, and he wasn't cooperating with me. He didn't reply to my texts. At all.

This is your science partner
Please schedule a meeting time with me
Can you please answer?


I cursed under my breath and put my phone in my pocket. I had to take things into my own hands.

I walked to the inarizaki gym doors, slightly nervous. It was a bit nerve-racking going into a gym with guys who probably could knock you out.

Just as I was about to open the doors, my phone made a small ding! noise.

Sorry about that
I was sleeping during lunch and couldn't read your texts
Meet me at the gym exit

I sighed in relief and put my phone back. "Maybe this project won't be such a disaster." I thought.


"Hey! Give me my pencil back!" Said Atsumu, grabbing it from Osamu.

Unfortunately, I ended up doing a group study with some of the inarizaki team. The infamous twins convinced Suna to let them join. I looked back at him, and he looked back at me.

"This was a mistake."


"C'mon guys, help us out! We didn't come here for no reason!" Atsumu said, putting his hands behind his head. Suna rolled his eyes.

"Me and Y/N were supposed to study alone, but you decided not to go with Kita-san. Are you guys here just to stalk me?"

Atsumu laughed at his reply. "Well, kinda. It's been ages since you got a potential love interest, so me and 'samu had to tag along!"

A light blush appeared on Suna's face while I stared at him again. Osamu lightly hit Atsumu in the shoulder.

"Maybe we should leave the two of them alone. C'mon." Said Osamu, getting up from the table with Atsumu following along.

"Have fun you two~" Atsumu said with a sly grin.

"Shut up."

Now it was just the two of us, and it was much more calmer. I listened to him talking about the assignment and helped him on some things too.

"He is really pretty when he talks-"

I slapped myself mentally and went back to work. "I shouldn't be thinking about those things."

Maybe that day I realized that I may have a tiny crush on him. Just a tiny one.


"4-42 percent?" I whisper, looking at the paper. "Even if I studied and worked hard I still get this grade?" I thought with shame. This project was a complete disaster.

"How am I supposed to tell him this? Will he be mad at me?" I panicked. "I'll just get the courage to tell him during lunch." I thought. I put the paper into my school bag and went to my next class.

Lunch soon came and I was walking to the gym, seeing if he was there or not.

"There you are."

I flinched and looked behind me to see Suna with the same tired expression.

"So what grade did we get?" He asked.

"Uhm...we got a 4-42%...." I said sheepishly. I put covered my face with my hands. "I'm really sorry."

Surprisingly, he just patted my head.

"You know that there's a makeup test, right?"

"Uh...I didn't know that...." I replied.

"Don't worry about the grade, we can get extra points during lunch tomorrow. How about we go get a drink and relax a bit. C'mon." He said, walking to the nearest vending machine.

"That sounds nice." I said, following him.


Thanks for reading champ. Remember to drink water and eat <3

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