Multiverse machine?

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"What are you going to be for Halloween, Deku-kun?" Uraraka asked.

Deku put down his pencil and put his index finger on his chin in thought.
"Hmm I don't know." He said.
"Well maybe after studying we can go costume shopping with the others." She said.
"Hey can we join too?!" Kirishima excitedly said.
"Oh sure." She replied.

Deku, Uraraka, Kirishima, Momo, Bakugo and Tetsutetsu all sat in the 2-a common room in the dorms either studying or just there for company.

"What about a ghost?" Deku asked as he sat back in his seat on the couch, uninterested in the complicated math equations that ectoplasm had given them for homework.

Bakugo went pale for a second before getting back his composure.
"That's fucking stupid." He said aggressively.
"No I like it. You'd be a really cute ghost though." Uraraka said.
"A-w-wha- Uraraka-san!" Deku said as he blushed from embarrassment.
"Yeah bro. You're way to pure to be a scary ghost." Kirishima said. "But I think you'd look hella manly."
"Cut the manly bullshit up! Why the fuck do you want to be a ghost?" Bakugo asked with genuine curiosity.

Deku stared at Bakugo for a few seconds, trying to read the expression on his face.
"Kachan...why do you look so scared?" He asked and everyone turned to look at Bakugo but looked back at Deku, confused when Bakugo had his regular scowl on.
"What are you talking about midobro? He looks normal to me." Kirishima said with an eyebrow raised.

Deku kept looking at Bakugo, seeing through the wall he put up and being able to read him almost perfectly after analyzing him for most of his life.
"Are you sure you're okay kachan because you look really worried." He said.
"I'm fucking fine nerd."
"Do you not want me to go as a ghost for Halloween or-"
"I said I'm fucking fine! For fucks sake, shut the fuck up!" He said as he looked back down at his phone.

Everyone went back to doing what they were doing in fear that Bakugo would start yelling again if they didn't. But Deku couldn't help but over analyze the sudden out burst.

'Why did he freak out like that? He looked fine before. It could be the costume idea. I said I wanted to be a ghost but what does kachan have against ghosts. Ghosts, ghosts, death? Death. My death. Me dying. Me being a ghost. Mmmm. Does it have to do with what he told me in middle scho-'

Deku's train of thought was abruptly interrupted when the the silence in the room was filled with loud, repetitive ringing.
He looked down at his phone on the coffee table to see that he was getting a call. He picked it up and saw that it was Hatsume. He quickly pressed the green button on the screen and put it up to his ear.

"Hi Hatsume!" He said happily.
Uraraka listened in on the conversation, waiting for when Deku was ready to start studying again.

"Hey Midoriya! You're never gonna guess what I made! Honestly I think it's the best thing I've ever made and ithinkthiswillreallyblowyourmindand-"

"Woah, hehe Hatsume! Slow down, I can't understand what you're saying." He sweatdropped.

"Oh, oops. Sorry. What I was trying to say is that I have a new baby."

"" Deku asked as he looked towards Uraraka who was looking back at him with an equally confused expression despite not being able to hear the conversation.

"Yeah I made a new one!"

"Oh that's what you call your inventions, right?" Deku sighed in relief.

"Yeah what did you think I was talkin-"

"That's not important. So what's this new invention?"

Multiverse and Chill| Hamilton AuWhere stories live. Discover now