=A Winter's Ball=

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"Wait so is this based on American history?" Tokoyami asked.
"SO THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED?!" Kaminari yelled.
"Well yes but actually no." Mi said and sero started snickering at the meme she unintentionally said. "This did happen but obviously it wasn't all might and it wasn't Bakugo but different people." Mi further explained.

"So who is all might and Bakugo during that time in our universe?" Uraraka asked.
"Well Bakugo would be Alexander Hamilton and All might would be George Washingon." Mi said calmly.

"I would- I- WHA-" All might malfunctioned as his westaboo side started showing.
"WOAH REALLY!? ALL MIGHT IS WASHINGTON!" Deku yelled also being a westaboo. "I mean Washington wasn't the greatest person. Especially with the slavery going on at the time." He sweat dropped as he mumbled the last part. "But that's awsome! Although we didn't really learn much about Alexander Hamilton."

"We'll take this as a history lesson. Probably saves the trouble for when one of your teachers talk about old wars and analyzing their strategies to win." Aizawa explained.

Some of the students groaned while Deku and All might internally fangirled.

"Can we start now?" Hatsume asked with an excited smile.
"Sure." Uraraka smiled back.

Hatsume got the next episode ready and pressed the button to start it.

'A Winter's Ball'

"This'll be fun." Mi said.

Todoroki was seen standing outside of a building. The sky was dark as it was evident that it was night time but the large building in front of him was lit up by lanterns as that was the only form of light.

"How does the bastard, orphan, son of a whore
Go on and on
Grow into more of a phenomenon?
Watch this obnoxious, arrogant, loudmouth bother"

Bakugo scowled.

"Be seated at the right hand of the father
Yagi hires Bakugo right on sight
But Bakugo still wants to fight, not write
Now Bakugo's skill with a quill is undeniable
But what do we have in common? We're
Reliable with the-"

All men:

The "Bakusquad" appeared behind him as they enter the building. Inside the room was a ball and fancy looking people filled the room.

"There are so many to deflower!"

Jirou rolled her eyes.

All men:

"Looks! Proximity to power"

Bakugo stands next to Todoroki with a smirk as Kaminari and sero stand behind them.

All Men:

"They delighted and distracted him
Inko Yagi named her feral tomcat after him!"

Bakugo stepped up from behind him.

"That's true!"

Full company:

"A winter's ball
And the Midoriya sisters are the envy of all
Yo, if you can marry a sister, you're rich, son"

Todoroki spoke towards the camera.

Bakugo stepped up behind him and smirked at the camera.

"Is it a question of if, Sho, or which one?"

Hey hey"

They all danced in a dorky way as a few people next to them in the ball looked at them weird and the screen went black.

"Damn I didn't know todoroki was such a smooth talker. Or....even attracted to girls." Kaminari said.
"I'm just surprised you know what the word attracted means." Jirou said.
"Hey!-" Kaminari got interrupted.
"I have never felt attraction to anyone romantically. I think it has to do with the fact that I wasn't given enough love as a child and that I-"
"Umm todoroki-kun, I don't think it's the right time for that." Deku interrupted him.
"Oh right...sorry."
"It's okay we can talk about it later." Deku smiled.
"Tch." Bakugo scowled and mumbled "stupid half and half."

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