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As everyone entered the 2-h common room, Hatsume was sat on the couches with her girlfriend as they were setting up the machine.

"Let's get this fucking over with." Bakugo said as he lazily fell onto the couches.

"Dude did you forget that teachers are here!" Kirishima whisper-yelled but everyone heard.
"Honestly I couldn't give two shits." Aizawa said as the tiredness was evident in his voice.
"Damn you're guys' homeroom teacher is awesome!" Tetsutetsu said.
"Trust me, when it comes to the amount of homework we get, he really isn't." Kaminari whispered.

"So let me guess, you're Bakugo?" Hatsume's girlfriend said.
"Haaah?! How the fuck do you know my name?!" He aggressively said.
"I'm a bit of a fan." She said as she rubbed her neck with a nervous smile. "And I could tell by your attitude from what I've heard and seen at the sports festival." She said as her previous nervous aura disappeared.

Bakugo was a bit shocked. He knew he was awesome but he hadn't expected to have fans that were the same age as he was.
"Oh you're a fan of kachan's?" Deku asked.
"Kachan huh? That's pretty cute." She said.
"Don't you dare use it!" Bakugo yelled.
"I won't, I won't. What is that like a pet name?" She said.
"P-pet....name?" Deku asked with wide eyes.
"IM NOT HIS FUCKING PET!" Bakugo yelled.
"I meant as in like.....a nickname for your boyfriend not an actually pet." She explained.

Everyone watched the scene play out. The past couple of days they had been given or been grading exams so the slightest bit of entertainment was enough for them.

"B-b-b-boy-boyfriend? Hahah kachan isn't my boyfriend, that's silly." Deku said.
"Well I just kinda assumed with a nickname like that that you- you know what never mind. Hi I'm Asumi but you can just call me Mi."
"This is my girlfriend." Hatsume said.

"Nice to meet you" a few people said as they sat down.
"Hey how come this place is so empty?" Kirishima asked.
"Oh well I convinced some of my classmates to head out together and some of them are out with their families or just like staying in their room or the lab. So we basically have this place to ourselves." Hatsume explained.

"That's awesome, Mei-san!" Uraraka said.
"I know right." Mi said.
"Oh hahah I just realized that you guys are Mi and Mei." Tetsutetsu said.
"Well not really. Mei is her first name where as Mi is just a shorter version of my last name."
"Oh. Oops." Tetsutetsu said.
"It's okay bro. It's manly to make mistakes." Kirishima said.
"*sniffle* that was beautiful." Kaminari said.

"Let's just start the damn thing, I'm getting bored!" Bakugo said aggressively.
"Alright." Mi said, as Hatsume started to explain how it works.

(You can skip if you want)

"Asumi has a timeline quirk. She can see the alternate possibilities of the Future and past. So I basically connected her to this machine and the machine will show us the different realities that she sees. The realities are seen in episodes usually lasting a few minutes. That's one of the downsides of her quirk, that she has to put the visions into sections or else she gets tired."

"Also another problem with my quirk is that the alternate realities are shown in music form." Mi said.
"Music form?" Deku asked paying extra attention to write this down later.
"The alternate realities or the multiverses as I like to call them are shown as......well kind of as a musical. The people in my visions sing what's happening most of the time." She further explained.

(Explanation over)

"Oh cool." Kaminari said.
"So are we going to get to see our future?" Jirou asked.
"Actually no sorry. I have a multiverse in mind that I'd like to share. It's my favorite one and it's set in the 18th century around 1780."
"But we weren't born then...." Kaminari said.
"Yeah but this is a multiverse where you were born around that time." She said.
"Oh, okay." He replied.

Multiverse and Chill| Hamilton AuWhere stories live. Discover now