Part 2

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I'm now in Hollywood walking when I saw 2 ghostbusters

A: "Oh god, I'm busted. Oh god! Noo!"

Absolutely nothing happened.

That was embarrassing.

I'm glad I'm a ghost

After my incident I just kept walking until out of nowhere I fell- well no- someone fell on top of me.

???: "Oh man, oh you dinged my board"

A: "I dinged your board?? Dude, you ran me over, you're lucky I didn' ran me over. You're a ghost?"

???: "Mm,yeah, ever since I learned the hard way that....

He just took his helmet and flipped his long hair. God, he's so ho-wait, no, what am I saying?

???: skating in traffic was bad. Hey, sorry I, uh, smashed into you. I thought you were a lifer and I'd just pass right trough "

A: "Uh, a lifer? "

???: Yeah, that's , uh, that's what we call people who are living. You're new to this whole ghost thing, aren't you?"

A: "Yeah, is it that obvious?"

???: "Totally. Hey, I'm, uh....I'm Willie"

A: "Oh, uh, Alex"

W: "So, um, what brings you to Hollywood, man? You, uh, sightseeing? Picture with that, uh, Marilyn girl?

A: "Uh....Yeah, actually, I was having a minor afterlife crisis, so, you know, just clearing my head until you tried to crack it open"

W: "I did pancake you, huh?"- he said laughing

God, his laugh is so cu-no, shut up, Alex. Gosh what's wrong with me today

 W: "I'm sorry. Um, so minor afterlife crisis?"

A: "Yeah, I just...I just keep freaking out about everything, you know? Shouldn't we be in heaven or something?"

W: "Who's we?"

A: "Oh, um, me and my bandmates. We all died"

W: "Right. Now, that's tragic, man. You guys had some kind of accident, or..."

A: "Yeah. Yeah, you could say that. We ate some bad hot dogs."

W: "Woah, no way. Weirdly that's what happened to Mozart"

A: "Wow, that's actually comforting. Thank you. Hey, do you mind if I ask you a couple more questions?

W: "That's kind of your thing isn't it? Alright, you just gotta keep up"

He skated away and I just stood there in aw. I have to admit he's cute- okay, Alex, snap out of it.

A: "Hey! Um... wait up!

I followed him to a bench where we sat down

A: "I mean, it's just...It's just so random, you know? that we dissapear for 25 years, and then Julie plays CD, and then bam! We're back"

W: "Is kind of funny, right? You thought when you died you'd get all the answers, and now you just have more questions"

A: "Hilarious"

Suddenly a man in a dog costume sits right next to us which made me jump a little 

A: "Why did he.....- we both chuckled at the man beside us

W: "So, who's this, um...Julie?"

A: "Oh, she's the girl that discover us. Did I mention she can see us? You understand the whole me freaking out thing?"

W: "A lifer can see you?"

A: "Yeah, man. No, it gets crazier. Alright? This morning we're plying music with her, we became visible to her entire school"

W: "Whoa, I've never heard of that happening before. Maybe this Julie's connected to your unfinished business"

A: "Mh-mmm. Yes. Totally. I would completely agree,if I had any clue what you're talking about"

W: "Right, ummm.... unfinished business. It's why people become ghosts when they die. There's still something they need to accomplish and once they complete it...they can crossover."

A: "Ok, so how do we figure out what our unfinished business is?"

W: "I don't know. You know some ghosts never do. I still haven't, but you know, I'm not too worried about it because being a ghost lets me do my favorite thing...skate anywhere I want without getting busted. I, mean, bro when I'm not skating here or the beach, I'm skating in Justin Bieber's empty pool"

A: "Wow! Who's that?"

W: " You seriously have so much to catch up on, bro. Dang!. Alright, I'll catch you later, hotdog"

And with that he skated away

A: "I really don't like that nickname. It's how I died!!"

A: "He's cute, huh?- I said to the man besides me 

Even thought I knew he couldn't hear me I knew the answer, it was a yes 

He is cute

And now I think I might have crush on Willie 

I don't know I haven't had a boyfriend since Luke

Being gay in the 90's wasn't the easiest thing 

And my parents weren't really welcoming either 

God, there's so much going trough my head right now

You know what I'm just gonna go back to the garage 

And with that I vanished

I'd do anything for you - WillexWhere stories live. Discover now