Horror Movies

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Summery: The reader falls asleep to a horror movie

Word count: 389

Warnings: blood

You had been with the Winchester and Cas in the bunker for a couple of years now, you had first properly bonded with dean through your mutual love of horror movies. When you weren't on cases you would go to his room and watch loads of movies together, mainly horror movies.

Tonight you were in the bunker alone, the boys had gone out on a hunt, the last hunt that you went on you were badly hurt. Even though Cas had healed you Dean still wanted you to sit this one out. You were sat on your bed in your room, all the lights were out and you had Nightmare On Elm Street on the tv. You didn't get any sleep the night before, no reason for it. When you were on the third movie your eyes started to get heavy, slowly drifting shut. You could hear the little girl singing on the screen.

"One, two, Freddy's coming for you." You tried ignoring it, knowing that it was just a movie.

"Three, four, better lock your door." You took a deep breath, thinking that noting could get through the bunker doors.

"Five, six, grab your crucifix." your hand, subconsciously, moving under you pillow making sure the gun you kept there was still in its rightful place.

"Seven, eight, stay up late." You shut your eyes tighter, trying to ignore the background sound.

"Nine, ten, never sleep again." You swear that you could feel someone's presents in the room with you, you tried to ignore it but the sensation got stronger. You could feel it right next to you, so you went with your instincts grabbed the gun from under your pillow and smashed it into the things face before jumping off the bed and pinning it to the floor.

"Y/n? Y/n!" Sam came running into your room and switched the lights on, you looked down to the thing that was. Dean was under you with blood pouring from his nose, as soon as it processed in your head you jumped off of him and stuck your hand out for him to take.

"Shit, Dean, sorry." You pulled him up, grabbing some tissues and gave them to him. You could hear Sam laughing as Dean was trying to stop his nose from bleeding, "you shouldn't sneak up on a hunter."

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