31. Halloween!

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The brunet quivered, hugging his knees tight to his chest as he rocked back and forth on the bed. He had tightly locked and sealed the doors and windows but deep inside he knew it wouldn't be enough.

The thunder outside crashed and roared, only serving to further scare the brunet. All he wanted to do was dive under the covers and cry but no, he was more brave and many than that...probably.

A single combat-boot-clad boot smashes through his window and brunet can't help it-he screams.

"I told you to stop running, my love. Kekeke~ you'll never learn.~"

The white-haired evil jumps through the window with the utmost grace and smiles creepily at him.

"I-I wasn't running! I swear!" The brunet insists fearfully. The intruder shakes his head slightly.

"Indeed. I'll allow you that. But you were trying to hide from me. I can't let that slide."

The shadowy figure moves swiftly and the victim flinches as an additional weight suddenly settles on the bed next to him.

"Please, leave me alone!" He pleads. The intruders glare hardens.

"I told you not to try and keep me away and you did. Now, you'll suffer for it~"


"This movie is so lame! It's just a cliché yandere-stalker type thing!" Hajime complains, throwing his popcorn at the screen. Nagito sighs.

"I'm sorry, Hajime, I should've come up with something better to do to celebrate L's birth-I mean, celebrate Halloween." He mumbles. Hajime leans his head back.

"Do you wanna...I dunno, get super drunk and eat a lot of candy?" He suggests. Nagito holds up a single thumb in response. "Sweet."

"What are we even supposed to do in a Halloween prompt anyhow?" Nagito wondered out loud. Hajime shrugged.

"Trick or treat?"

"We're twenty-two."


"Should we talk about stupid, scary stuff?"

"Idk man, Kokichi scares me."

"Honestly, same."

"Seriously though, a prompt like this is so open-ended and at the same time feels so restricting. How is the author supposed to write this?!"

Nagito hushed him. "Dude, don't break the fourth wall, that one specific user is gonna yell at us if we do!"

"I can't believe you just came at them like that."

"Whatever. This prompt is hopeless anyways. Let's go get drunk now."

Happy L's birthday!

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