1: Chapter 6

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"Open your eyes now, Lauren." Lauren's eyelids flew open, immediately searching her surroundings. It looked like she was back in her bunk on the bus. "There stands a pawn of my chessboard!" Lauren shook her head violently in frustration. If that was only a dream, how could she still hear his voice?

The bus was only silent for a moment before Lauren heard someone opening her bunk curtain. She quickly closed her eyes and pretended to still be dead.

"H-hey Lolo," A friendly voice began only to be interrupted by the voice in my head.

"Listen well, soldier, for she shall speaketh from truth!" Lauren had absolutely no idea about half of what he said. Nonetheless, she obeyed and listened to her friend's words.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry I didn't give my 100% to help you and support you as a true friend should." Dinah apologized shakily, "Camila is in there crying thinking that this was all her fault, but I feel like its mine. If I were there for you, Lauren, you'd still be here beside me!" Dinah croaked as she slowly began to fall apart, "Ya know I didn't mean to!" Dinah exclaimed as she began to cry, "I really didn't know what to do what with your depression and all. I guess I thought you'd be happier dead or maybe having no feeling at all would have the same affect." Dinah was full on crying by now.

"I can't take any more of this! Please don't make her suffer anymore!" Lauren pleaded to the voice in her head.

"Alright. Open your eyes and comfort your comrade, soldier."

Dinah was sprawled all over Lauren's body in tears. She meant every word that left her mouth although she knew Lauren didn't hear any of them. Dinah needed her back! She needed her to open those gorgeous green eyes everyone envied! While her head was burrowed into Lauren's torso, she felt someone gently stroke her head. A little spark of hope twinkled inside Dinah's heart as she slowly looked up.

"Hey." The hallelujah chorus went off in Dinah's mind as she threw herself into Lauren's arms receiving a startled grunt.

"Lauren! We thought you were dead!" Dinah wailed. She pulled away, scowling at the older girl then smacked the back of her head. 

"Ow!" Lauren grumbled, rubbing the bump forming on the back of her head where Dinah struck her.

"Why'd you play dead!?"

"I didn't, Dinah. And I never will for as long as I live!"

"Right you won't!" Dinah barked in frustration with Lauren's actions. Her expression softened slightly as she continued. "But I don't understand. Your heart stopped beating-"

"I know. This is one of those things I can't very well explain." Lauren muttered softly. Dinah looked at Lauren's left arm and saw something peculiar.

"What's this?" She asked, flipping her arm over. "You never told me you got another tattoo." Lauren looked at her arm in wonder.

"Actually, I don't remember telling myself I got another tattoo." Lauren chuckled.

"Wait, so you don't remember getting that tattoo?" Lauren shook her head no. Dinah took a closer look at Lauren's mystery marking. It looked like a fancy number seven with an arrow aimed horizontally through the middle. It was simple, but captivating and Dinah can honestly say she's never seen anything like it before in her life. "Oh! We need to tell the others you're alive!" Dinah exclaimed, jumping to her feet.

"No! Not yet, anyways. I need a little time to recover."

"Oh yeah! Take all the time you need." With that, Dinah skipped back to the front lounge as if nothing had happened.

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