1: Chapter 9

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Its been six months since Lauren finally told the girls her backstory and things have been flowing a lot smoother lately! There definitely isn't as much confusion between Lauren and the rest plus its easier to understand why she lashes out for no apparent reason. Their sisterly bond has also been mended a little now that they all know what she's been through since just last year.

Lauren has been acting really strange though. She's been holding full conversations with no one in particular, staring out into space, screaming in the middle of the night because of her horrible memories, and sometimes even subtle shaking! The girls know she can't help it and know its not her fault, but no matter how many times Lauren tells them not to they still treat her as if she's a fragile little flower and could break even under the softest touch. Although everyone cared for her, Dinah felt that Lauren was under her own personal defense now and didn't want that to change.

Ally, Normani, and Camila decided to get out and site see while Dinah stayed back with Lauren on the bus since she wasn't comfortable leaving her alone since she heard about what happened to her back in Miami.

Dinah was sitting with Lauren in the front lounge doing her job which was to keep Lauren company. She was looking out the window with an overcast expression on her face that matched the outside weather precisely. Dinah sat there for a while just staring at the now grey eyed brunette before she piped up.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Lauren turned around and gave Dinah a little smile revealing a crimson blush on her cheeks after Lauren said those words.


"Its fine. I don't care about things like that anymore." She muttered gazing out the window again. Dinah shuffled her feet on the carpeted flooring of the bus awkwardly.

"So, how are you doing? You know, with the whole touring thing."

"If I'm completely honest, I don't see the fun in it anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love the fans and you girls mean more to me than anything else in the world, but I don't have a reason to sing anymore." Lauren stated full heartedly.

"Its a shame, really." Dinah murmured to herself. Lauren looked at her again with a confused look on her face.

"I'm sorry?"

"You have an amazing voice, Lauren, and you've got a lot of talent! It would be a shame not to use it, don't you think?" Lauren seemed to be pondering for a moment before looking back at Dinah.

"Its also a shame to have talent but not have any feeling or emotion behind your voice as well."

"Hmmm." Dinah hummed, "I never thought of that."

"Dinah, I've never had so many emotions going through my head at one time before. I've made it through almost a year without any problems, but now my depression is eating me alive and I can't stop it." Lauren vented, "I know my long speeches get really annoying, but I need to get this off my chest." Dinah got up and sat beside Lauren on the other side of the bus.

"Lauren, I understand your pain. Something that frightening and heart wrenching isn't easy to get over! Sometimes you've gotta let those feelings come and go. And if it comes down to our music career or you, guess what I would choose."

"Our music career."

"No, dumb nod!" Dinah laughed, nudging Lauren playfully, "I'd choose you." Lauren flashed her a weak smile and stared at each other for God knows how long. Suddenly Dinah found herself leaning in with Lauren leaning in as well. Dinah closed my eyes and felt Lauren's breath on her lips before they heard the bus door fly open.

"Ello!" Camila exclaimed as she posed in front of the bus door. Dinah and Lauren quickly jumped back after Camila's sudden intrusion.

"Back already?" Dinah almost groaned.

"We would've been back sooner, but Mani stopped in like, fifty shoe stores along the way." Camila grunted in annoyance.

"So what did we miss, guys?" Ally asked, placing her purchases down beside the couch. Dinah and Lauren shared a quick glance before Dinah reciprocated.

"Nothing, we were just talking about tour." Dinah lied.

"It is exciting, huh!" Camila exclaimed skipping around the front lounge. Dinah and Lauren looked at Ally confused and she whispered she was on a sugar high.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go help Normani with her bags." Ally informed the duo as she walked out the door.

"I'll come too! I'll come too!" Camila cheered skipping out the door.

"I guess I'll go help as well." Lauren muttered, standing up. "They'll need it with Camila Sunshine out there."

"Alright, nice talkin' to ya, Lo." Dinah said with a smile.

"Nice talkin' to ya too." As she was making my way towards the door, Lauren placed her lips tenderly on Dinah's, pulled away, winked, and left Dinah flabbergasted on the bus. "Yep, I got her good." Lauren whispered to myself once she made it outside.

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