Old faces

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Lynn's POV
I walked forward as Harry called my name "Lynn King" I slowly made my way up the stairs before stopping infront of the man, he placed the rainbow patch just above my Airborne tab "welcome to Team Rainbow, I look forward to watching your progress" I smiled and shook his head "thank you sir, I look forward to the missions" he motioned to the seats for the graduates, I walked over and sat down, the operators sat in a darkened area of the room talking amongst themselves while my friend Andrew sat next to me "we made it dude, we finally made it" I chuckled and nodded "now we have to prove we deserve to be here" he nodded as the ceremony went on until Harry spoke "I welcome all new operators to team rainbow but you will be warned, if you show you are unsafe we will send you back to your unit. We reserve the right to dismiss you" I gulped subconsciously as Harry spoke "You will be put on your new team tomorrow morning so check the board. You're free for the night, congratulations" I stood and sighed in relief as my back cracked.
     I pulled out a letter I received from my friend in delta Erik Thorn and looked at it, he mentioned he had a new detail but didn't go into it after I mentioned I was applying for rainbow. I heard my name behind me "Lynn" I turned expecting to see one of my classmates but instead saw Erik in civilian clothing, I asked "Erik? Is this your new detail you didn't tell me about?" He nodded with a smile "yea, I didn't wanna tip you off that you'd be seeing me more often" I walked forward and shook his hand "do we have any other old friends here?" He nodded and replied "Craig and Meghan" I asked "the seals?" He motioned me to follow him, I turned to Andrew "I'll be back at the bunks later, we'll get some celebratory beers and have that tournament we were talking about" he replied cockily "I'm gonna kick your ass, I'll let the rest of the class know" I waved before following Erik "so how long have you been at Rainbow?" He replied after a couple seconds of thought "2 years, about that" I playfully accused "and you didn't tell me until now?" He replied "we're not supposed to disclose that we're at rainbow, it's like being at the Unit. No one officially speaks of the Unit" I nodded slowly.
I followed him through the forest of operators who looked at me with intrigue until I saw the familiar large bushy beard and felt my excitement grow, Craig was always fun to be around. Erik all but screamed "Craig!" A Craig jumped and spun at his name before yelling matching Erik's energy "Erik!" He noticed me and then yelled "Lynn!" To which I yelled "Craig!" To which Erik finished up by yelling "Erik!" We looked at him and laughed as Craig walked forward and wrapped his arm around me "I watched your selection, you did great buddy. I wish you told me you were applying, I would've watched the entire process instead of the last half" I replied sadly "we lost contact plus my missions in Africa picked up, I wouldn't have had much time to respond" he respond "Meghan had a lot of missions in Africa before we got recruited, nasty fighting there" I nodded before replying "I had to replace my m16 like 6 times" he looked confused as Erik asked "why?"
I replied "those fuckers kept shooting it" Erik laughed as clapped me on the back "so what's this you newbies were talking about? A tournament of some kinda?" I nodded and explained "a lot of us play Xbox to pass the time, one of the guys said he could beat any of us in a 1v1 and we all took exception to that and now we have a tournament of 1v1s on Black Ops" Craig chuckled and replied "well you have an advantage, you run an M16. Black ops has an M16, you have an unfair broken advantage" I snorted before asking "where's Meghan?" Craig replied with a sad look "meghan's not at rainbow, she's with team 2" I shifted my weight and asked "oh really? Damn..." he nodded as Erik looked between the two of us and I asked "then why is she standing behind you?" His eyes widened and he turned seeing the blonde hair and blue eyes of Meghan, her arms were crossed and all her weight was put on her left leg with her hip out to the side, her eyebrow was raised as she asked "so I'm at team 2?" As craig yelled "God damnit! I was trying to kill his happiness"
     I asked "why? Why would you do that to me?" He looked at me and replied with an evil grin "because you've had it too easy for too long" I shivered slightly as Meghan sternly spoke "Craig, enough" I heard Erik ask "so what's new with you?" I replied "I got moved from bravo company to alpha company in 1st battalion. We chubbed the platoon commanders beret before the ceremony" Erik sounded shocked "you didn't" Craig asked "chubbed it?" While Meghan nodded and Erik and I simultaneously responded "rub your dick on it" I heard a man giving a new graduate a hard time and turned seeing a man with short blond hair and a cross necklace, I looked at the three operators and asked "who's that?" Meghan replied "Olivier, he can be a dick but he's not a bad guy. Gets his jollies giving new recruits a hard time" Craig suggested "I think he just needs a new hat" I pointed at him while chuckling as Erik sternly spoke "no, I don't need to see you sent back to the Legion because you rubbed your dick on a hat" I leaned over to Craig and whispered "we'll get him later" he chuckled as both Meghan and Erik sternly and exasperatedly replied "no!"
      I looked at the two of them and asked "so Erik's my handler and meghan's craigs, cool." They looked confused as Craig explained "you guys never let us do anything fun" Meghan replied sarcastically "I'm sorry, I don't want to see either of you throw away your careers because you can't stop rubbing your dick on things" I shrugged and spoke "if that's how I go, that's how I go" she sighed as Erik looked me over and looked confused. I asked interested "what's got you confused my friend?" He replied "your uniform, why are you wearing Vietnam era tiger stripe?" I replied with a proud smile "The legion is bringing it back, we like it more than multicam so this is now one of our options for a uniform. I took the option and hear I am" Meghan joked "just get a car-15 and you'll be in SOG" I sighed dreamily "I wish, those guys were so fucking cool. They're why I joined the green berets" she nodded as Erik joked "Jeez Meg, you're gonna get him on a rant about how cool SOG is again. He'll be going for hours"
I stressed "but they ARE cool" he nodded and shot back "I know, you've told me hundreds of times. You get on these rants and then we all hear the stories, somehow you always find new ones" I replied kinda embarrassed "I use my security clearance to read mission debriefs in my spare time" the three looked at me shocked as I rubbed my elbow nervously. Meghan laughed out "that's adorable, you're like a little kid talking about his favorite superhero" I replied "it's Deadpool" she nodded "I know" as Craig spoke "he's more of an anti-hero tho" I responded "hero is in the name, it counts" he nodded slowly "I suppose so" I heard Amy behind me "Hey Lynn, we're heading to the pool. Wanna come with?" I turned and saw a couple friends, Amy being one, Sarah and Jackson being the other two. I looked at the three old friends behind me before asking "can my other friends come with us?" Amy looked at the group before shrugging "sure, more the merrier" as I saw Craig and Meghan nod excitedly while Erik sighed and nodded "yeah we'll be there" I waved before jogging off with Amy and the rest.
I heard Jackson ask "so who's the hottie you were talking to?" I replied "his names Craig, I know his beard is sexy but I wouldn't exactly call him hot-" Jackson replied quickly "no, not him. The blonde one" I asked in return "Erik?" He groaned in frustration while Amy and Sarah laughed quietly "the girl" I nodded "so Erik, got ya" he groaned angrily as I laughed with Sarah and Amy "Her names Meghan, she's a SEAL from team 3" he whistled and asked "you into her?" I shrugged and replied "I mean shes definitely attractive, she's a good woman too. I don't know if I'd say I'm into her but there's definitely an attraction" I heard Amy teasingly "ooh I'm gonna tell her" I shrugged and didn't reply as she pouted "no fun, why can't you be like Jackson when I tell Sarah Jackson's into her?" Jackson burrowed into his sweatshirt, his face burning bright red as Sarah asked confusedly "he is?" I patted jack's shoulder and spoke "don't worry about it bro, she'll forget it in a day" he sighed as we walked into the bunks grabbing our swimsuits before heading to the pool.
     I walked in after holding the door for the group and following Jackson into the men's changing room, we talked as we changed until Erik and Craig walked in I waved "howdy" as they waved before Jackson asked "do you two have any idea how the teams are formed?" Erik shrugged and replied "I don't know, this is the first group of recruits that didn't get directly recruited from units" I sighed before speaking "well let's not focus on that, we'll figure that out tomorrow. For now, we swim" they chuckled as I ran out of the room and dove into the pool. I heard Meghan "Having fun?" I looked over as I replied "ye-" freezing halfway through the word as I stared at Meghan in a black bikini. She looked down "what? Is something on me?" I muttered "hot" as Craig, Erik and Jackson came sliding out of the changing room and Craig cried out "no, we're too late!" Jackson fell to his knees as Sarah and Amy walked out and saw me frozen in the pool, Craig and Jackson fake crying and Erik looking unamused.
      Meghan looked at the two and asked "any idea what's going on?" Amy replied "Lynn thinks your hot, the two crying.... I have no clue, blondie over there is probably the dad of the group" Meghan looked at me with a look of intrigue "oh so I'm hot huh?" I sighed and looked at Erik "that's it, I'm drowning myself" he and Meghan yelled "No!" As I dove down determined to avoid the uncomfortable situation, I heard two splashes above me as I reached the bottom and waited until Meghan hooked her arm under mine while I tried to stay at the bottom while she slowly dragged me back to the surface, the process quickened when Erik got ahold of me helping her drag me up. When we reached the surface I pouted and spoke "you're supposed to let me go, you know like gone with the wind type shit" Meghan was about to reply while Sarah and Amy jumped in as did Craig and Jackson before Jackson splashed Meghan, Erik and I causing me to yell "water war!" As Meghan kept me stable while I butterfly kicked sending water flying toward Jackson while he started to swim away hiding behind Sarah begging for mercy from my merciless attack. Meghan let go of me causing me to laugh as I declared my superiority and we just started swimming around doing tricks, relaxing until I looked at the clock and yelled "Jackson, we got the tournament" he yelled back "how long before it starts?!" I replied quickly "10 minutes" he yelled "son of a bitch" as we quickly swam for the side of the pool before scrambling into the changing room.

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