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Well you guys got lucky, I don't have work today so I'm gonna post this. Have a beautiful day

Lynn's POV(2 months later)
I sat down as Manfred and Zao arrived, they'd quickly grown to be my best friends. We did everything together, training, eating, r&r everything, we'd gotten so close we wouldn't even have to talk during executing an attack. We would react to each other's movement and instantly know what they're doing, Sarah and Andrew however had started to isolate themselves as I grew closer with the other two. I smiled and asked "how are you doing my brothers?" Zao replied "I am doing good, my mother's sending some more Pocky. She knows how you love it" I smiled in excitement and replied "tell mom I said thank you please?" He nodded as Manfred sat down "I'm beat, those stairs are a bitch" I laughed as he asked "what's new with you?" I replied happily "I'm getting a new issue M16, it's gonna be great" Zao asked getting just as excited "when's it arriving?" I checked my watch "it should be in, I was heading down to pick it up when we got called for this. Speaking of this, what the hell is this about?" Just then Harry spoke "To answer your question Lynn, this is your final test before you become a tier 2 team within rainbow"
I threw excited glances at Zao and Manfred and saw they were just as excited as me, Harry continued "We've been tracking a Mask platoon moving in the thick jungle of Cambodia, recently they've dropped off our surveillance. We're putting your team on the ground to try to locate them, you'll have limited air support. Bring a lot of water purification tablets, the area is rich with water. My analysts have also recommended that you pack light, the terrain is rough mountains, suffocating humidity, triple canopy jungle with a lot of loose soil. It will be hard to maneuver, do your best to track down the masks force report their position and then get out. This is a patrol to contact mission, Lynn, Andrew we have mission profiles for you to look over. Dismissed, the plane is scheduled to leave in 20" I stood and took the file Harry had extended to me I joked with a small chuckle "keep the coffee warm sir, we'll be back before you know it" he replied with a nod "I hope so, it worries me having masks and their weapons in the wild"
      I replied suddenly serious "well put that worry to rest, count on us" he looked at Andrew as he walked in causing me to turn and jogged down to the requisition building and asked "is there a package for Lynn King here?" The man nodded before crouching and reappearing with a large gun case. I was giddy with excitement as he asked "Are you Lynn King?" I nodded "yes sir, I'm sorry I don't recall catching your name" the man replied "I'm Tim" I shook his hand "nice to meet you" Tim asked "so what'd you get?" I replied as I opened the case "I'm getting a new M16, my old one is starting to wear down so much that it's not worth replacing parts anymore" Tim nodded "that's a lot of rounds to get a rifle to that point" I replied with a chuckle "I've done a lot of things" as I stared at my new rifle.

Tim spoke sounding like he was in love "wow, she's beautiful" I voiced my agreement, as I walked to the range and loaded the mag before firing finding that my rifle was perfectly zeroed

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Tim spoke sounding like he was in love "wow, she's beautiful" I voiced my agreement, as I walked to the range and loaded the mag before firing finding that my rifle was perfectly zeroed.
     I stared at my new baby lovingly "oh you are just a treat" before I jogged to the barracks and changed into my combat gear taking out most of the unnecessary things before placing in a lot of grenades, both smoke and flash bangs before putting in a mosquito net, purification pills, bandages, tourniquets anything else as Manfred appeared next to me "almost ready?" I nodded as I spoke "just gotta grab some extra ammo and grenades" he nodded as he jumped slightly shifting his rucksack "I'll be on the plane, Zao is already there. I swear that guy always has everything in a to go bag" I laughed before replying "maybe we could learn from him" he nodded and replied "hopefully we will" I tossed in a couple extra magazines before putting on a belt of frag grenades like a sash before I gripped the heat guard and running with Manfred to the plane. We climbed into the back of the C-130 and saw the rest of the team already there, Andrew remarked snarkily "nice of you to finally join us" I replied smoothly "shame you're still shit at watching the clock, 4 minutes to lift off" he huffed angrily as Manfred sighed "I'm tired of this temper tantrum bullshit"
I laid out my sleeping bag and replied "you and I both my brother" as Zao joked "you two take too long" I replied with a chuckle "well I'm sorry we don't have a to go bag for missions" he laughed and asked "how'd you know I have my doggy bag?" I looked at Manfred who stared at me in shock before we started laughing. Zao looked on confused while Andrew fumed silently and Sarah looked at us longingly. I motioned her over, she looked shocked but quickly walked over before crouching and looking at me, her expression a combination of shock and apprehension as I spoke "I forgive you, we won't be as close but you have proven you're working to change" she smiled as she stood "thank you, I've worked hard to make sure I temper my pride" I nodded as replied simply "I've noticed, you may not have noticed but I have been paying attention to your progress" she replied "I didn't, I've been so focused on making sure I control it" I leaned back on my elbow "well I'm heading to sleep so you know kindly fuck off" Manfred and Zao doubled over laughing as Zao repeated "kindly fuck off" which set off another round of laughter between the two. Sarah stood and chuckled before speaking just softly enough I almost didn't hear her "still the same Lynn, the only person who hasn't changed since we got here"

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