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Lynn's POV
I sat in a pitch black room listening to the sound of footsteps on the floor above me, I listened as Meghan sang quietly. She asked "Think we'll make it out of this?" I answered "yeah..... yeah well be okay" as I slowly worked on trying to get my hands through the cuffs, I listened as Meghan spoke again "you don't sound confident about it" I sighed quietly before replying "we'll be okay, just gotta hold out for our boys to come get us" she fell quiet as the echo of the large metal door scraping against its frame was heard, I stared at the dimly lit hallway as I stopped my attempts to get to my phone I could still feel in my pocket. The mask walked around the corner and spoke "Lynn, nice to see you again" I growled out "fuck you..." as he hit the bars of the door with his bamboo stick "no need for that kind of language" I huffed as he asked "You don't seem to be letting the constant darkness of your room be getting to you, what's your secret?" I stared at him and hissed out "the desire to tear your throat out"
He spoke with annoyance in his voice "if you behave you will be allowed to go home, Do not piss me off Lynn. Or both of you will be out to work" I bit my tongue deciding keeping Meghan safe was better than letting my hatred get us both killed. He called "Doors!" I saw him walk forward brandishing his bamboo pole before he cracked me in the ribs, I hissed as he continued to batter my body with vicious hits until I felt one of my ribs crack, I gasped at the white hot pain before I chuckled "you can do better than that" he smiled in reply and cracked me upside the head a couple of times. I heard meghan's chains rattle as she tried to move and I grew tired. The mask barked at me "Do not piss me off Lynn! Or I'll kill you like I killed your bitch friends in Cambodia" I looked up at him with a glare "so it was you, I'll make you pay. Sooner or later I'll get my hands on you" the mask crouched and replied "bold of you to assume you'll ever make it out of here"
     Another 2 masks walked in and released my shackles, I tried lunging at the Mask with my new found freedom until they gripped my arms and dragged me through the hallways to a large 2 foot wide tree trunk, they tied ropes around my wrist as the lead mask asked "where's your main base?" I remained silent as they pulled my arms back, he asked again with more force "where is your base?" Again I remained silent as the ropes around my wrist pulled my arms closer together behind me. He yelled this time "where is your base?!" I chuckled out "crawl up your own ass and die" as the two masks pulled my elbows ever closer, my face was now showing a grimace as the pain shot through my shoulder's sockets like lightning. The mask show pleasure in this as he asked once more "Where. Is. Your. Base." I didn't reply as my grimace intensified before he motioned the masks to let me go, I collapsed to the ground before they picked me up and placed my hands palm down on the table and the lead mask pulled out a meat tenderizer "This is your last chance, tell me where your base is or I break your thumb"
       I looked up at him with an indifferent gaze as I replied "You'll get nothing out of me" as he lifted the tenderizer and smashed it on my thumb, I shouted in pain as he kept smashing it until the loud pop was heard. Meghan screamed "stop hurting him!" As my thumb was a bloody mess and in two different pieces, I grimaced as the fiery sensation pulsed while the mask spoke "bring him to his cell, give him time to think about his position. Well start working Meghan over" I groaned out "you fuckin son of a bitch" the mask turned and crouched infront of me "protective are we? No worries, I am a man of principal. I won't physically hurt her, but mentally I'll crush her" I spit at the mask before the two holding me dragged me back to my cell tossing me in before shackling my wrists and ankles again.
I watched helplessly as they dragged Meghan past my cell, I waited for a minute after hearing the door close and started slowly pulling my right hand from the shackles, my newly destroyed thumb allowed my to get it through as I reached into my back pocket and sent a message to Erik, hoping they'd be able to track my phone signal. I slid it back into my pocket and slowly worked my hand back into the shackle and waited, eventually the mask walked in again as they brought Meghan through the hallways. He stopped infront of my cell and spoke "you're in luck, we're moving you to a new location" I stared at him as he jokingly asked "what? No excitement? No questions? Don't tell me you broke already" I stared at him and replied "don't flatter yourself, you haven't gotten close to breaking me yet" he smiled a promise "we will, Bring in the other two. We're moving" I tried to resist as they walked in and grabbed my arms releasing the shackles dragging me through the dark hallways they did the same with Meghan as the mask joyously spoke "Oh I just realized, how rude of me. Call me Deimos" I replied dryly "can I be honest with you? I don't care" he answered "you should care to know the name of the man who'll kill you, it's an honor not many receive" I rolled my eyes.
Back at Hereford Mike's POV
I ran through the base to the TOC once I burst through the doors I yelled "what do we got?!" The lead analyst John walked forward "we got a signal from Lynn's phone, he must've hidden it before they got taken. We've got drones vectored to the location, 1 Mike to eyes on" I nodded and replied by asking "are there choppers getting ready?" He nodded "we've got two black hawks doing final checks ready for lift off, your teams have been notified and are getting ready" I nodded as I straightened my vest and leaned on the table "fuckin bullshite, they've got me up at 02:00 hours because they want to be sneaky" I stood and spoke to the John "Update me in the air, I don't want to waste time waiting for a visual" he nodded before speaking "channel 17 right?" I replied simply "Aye lad" as I stormed through the halls holding my AR33, I saw Seamus in the hallway looking confused at the two teams moving quickly he looked at me "oi Mike, what's happening?" I replied "get your gear on, I'll brief you in the air" he disappeared into his room as I continued moving through the halls.
     I threw the door open as Seamus appeared next to me in uniform with his l85 "what's goin on Mike?" I replied "6 hours ago Meghan and Lynn were captured by the Masks while on a date. 10 minutes ago we got a signal from Lynn's phone, it's a 45 minute flight north from here. We're moving to intercept while the drones paint a picture for us, are you in or out?" He replied "I'm in" I nodded as I pulled myself into the helicopter and gave the crew chief a thumbs up, I spoke to the team "Were going in blind, ISR is watching the coordinates to paint a picture while we're en route. I want each of you to have your gear in line and be on the swivel, you got me? Any fuck ups and I'll have your ass" Craig replied with "any numbers for masks on target?" I replied "negative, we've got no intel other than the coordinates." Siu asked "layout? Any structural intel?" I sighed and replied "negative, we're in the dark. This is an impromptu mission, Harry is already being picked up by a helicopter he'll give us any intel he can while we're moving. Remember once we hit the ground your IR strobes are on"
Lynn's POV
I watched the masks pull out two woven sacks they approached us as I struggled before Deimos gripped my broken Thumb "Be a good piggy before I tear this off" I huffed before stilling as they pulled the sack over my head and I heard the door open before they started dragging us forward. I prayed the plan to get the team the coordinates so they could free us worked but I didn't pay it much mind as I focused on trying to hear Meghan, to pay attention to her. Once they threw us into the back of a van I shifted my way over so I was sitting next to Meghan, I whispered "are you okay?" She replied matching my tone "yeah, they just said they'd torture you more unless I told them what they wanted to know" I asked "Did you?" She replied sounding sad about it "no, I don't want you to get hurt but I can't rat out the rest of the team" I smiled under the sack as I whispered back "good, I can take the pain. Just stay strong and we'll make it through"
Deimos yelled back "hey! Stop talking!" We fell silent as I felt Meghan lean on me trying to gain some comfort while we waited, I forced myself to remember the fact that all we had to do was hold out and our boys would come and get us, that's all we had to do. I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep in conditions far more comfortable than my previous prison, my heart yearned for the freedom I once had. I woke up to once of the masks cracking his rifle on my leg, "Wake up you bastard" I hissed as my leg was quickly tucked into my body as close as I could. The mask climbed out of the van before I listened to the mask's footsteps walking around the van before the back doors ripped open and I felt someone grab my left shoulder ripping me out of the van, I groaned as I landed on my elbow before I got pulled to my feet and dragged through the group of buildings before I got pushed to my knees and the sack got pulled off my head.
I saw a small cage 10 feet wide, 12 feet long and 2 feet tall sunken into the ground, I sighed "you've got to be kidding" as the hatch got opened and I got shoved in. I slowly squeezed my way so I was on my back as they shoved in Meghan, the hatch got closed and padlocked shut. I sighed as I felt myself sink 6 inches into the muck at the bottom of the pit, I asked Meghan "so is this what a mud bath feels like?" She replied simply "no, it's much more comfortable than this shit" I looked at the sky as I saw a couple stars get black out I smiled before spitting as some mud got in my mouth, I spoke to Meghan "God's eye sees all" she looked over and asked "Do you think it'll be over soon?" I tried to comfort Meghan hoping I was right "I bet our boys are already on their way" she nodded as we stayed still until I felt a rat start nibbling at my wounded foot causing me to hiss and kick my feet launching the rodent into the wall as my rapid movements caused me to since further into the muck.

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