2 Fever

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aishatu_xx as Khadijah

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aishatu_xx as Khadijah


Khadija supplicated upon checking her body temperature. It was really high.
"I have to see the doctor " she whispered to herself .
She sat up from her laying position and checked the time on the opulently designed digital clock, placed on her bedside drawer. It was 12:26pm.
She gathered strength and went to inform Khalid.

She knocked on his door and heard his voice telling her to go in.
"I think I have a fever. I'll go and see the doctor "

"Okay. Tell Ashiru to take you"
"No I'll manage by myself " she forced a smile.

"Okay. Drive safely"

Khadija didn't even reply to that. She quickly moved to her room and took her necessities then drove out of the house. She didn't stop till she got to a t-junction, parked and cried her heart out. She reminisced their old moments and felt like her heart was being ripped out.

Thank God her car glasses were tinted, no one will have an idea of what was going on.

"Khalid I'm really weak today and I don't feel like going to the hospital" she said playing her hands.

"Why won't you go? I have noticed that too. Now get up, let's go and see the doctor " he pulled her, gently."I know what you're scared of."

"I'm not scared of shots. I just hate.."

"I never said you are. Guilt consciousness " he laughed

"Okay I am. I'll take some pills and it'll be gone"

"No way"



Knowing that Khadija won't budge, Khalid picked her up in a bridal style ignoring her protests.

"This is not fair" she grumbled, when he started driving the car.
"Haha. I'm sorry about that" he teased.

End of flash back..

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