5 Snitch

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Since a week after the salty food incident, Khalid no longer talks to Khadija. His attention is always on Laila and even when the latter tries to talk to him, he pretends as if she doesn't exist. There was a time she confronted him and he almost slapped her. Khadija became really terrified.

"You're trying fa. Won't you tell Baba about this issue?" Nadia says over the phone.

"You know how Baba is. He will make Khalid divorce me right there and then and I do not want that"

"I'm honestly tired of this. Haba! This is not fair at all" Nadia replies with concern evident in her voice.

"I know, but with time everything will be back to normal," Khadija tries to assure herself.

"What if things keep getting worse? I don't want anything to happen to you,"

"Nothing will happen to me inshaAllah. I'll be just fine."

"My heart is not at peace.."

"..please do not tell Baba about this," she says, knowing how her sister can be.

"I can't make that promise to you Khadi. As long as this persists, I won't have any other choice than to tell Baba."

"Nadia listen to me carefully," Khadija takes a sharp breath "I know sooner or later, Khalid will come around and we will resolve this issue. It's not as if he's abusing me or something like that"

"Yet. He is not abusing you yet. Were you not the one that told me he almost hit you? You know I won't take it easy if he tries to hurt you"

"My darling I know. Let's be patient and see what will come out of it"

"I really hope it's something good if not Khalid will see the other side of Baba and I. After all the sacrifices you have done to marry him, he still has the heart to maltreat you. Kai! Some men are like snakes wollah. Soft and gentle on the outside but poisonous and deadly inside..."

"That's my husband, your brother-in-law you're talking about. Mind what you say." Khadija cuts in her statement.

"Khadi I'm sorry it's just that I'm really upset about this. I really hope everything changes for the better as you said earlier but still, I'm very worried about you. Please take care of yourself and do not allow him to treat you like trash.."

Khadija hears Khalid's footsteps and her heartbeat goes wild.

"Nadia I'll call you later. Khalid is here" she disconnects the call without hearing what Nadia is trying to say.

"What is it?" He yells impatiently. "I don't know what I did wrong but at least we can sit and talk it out. Instead of you behaving immaturely and.."

"Oh! So I am behaving immaturely now? Wow. Look Khadija do not frustrate me. I'm already tired"

"Khalid relax and listen to me. I have the right to.."
"Shut the f*** up," he says pushing the tumbler that was kept earlier on the console table. The glass shatters into pieces. "If your not careful, I will do the same to you."

He eyes her and walks out, limping across the glass pieces to avoid getting hurt.

In spite of fear, Khadija quickly gathers the glasses she could pick and sweeps the rest.
"Oh ni Khadija," she laments, weeping sorrowfully, "what have I done to deserve this from you Khalid?".

Meanwhile, Laila jumps up and down out of happiness. She calls Amira almost immediately. "The charm has started working" She squeals but keeps her voice as low as she can.

"I had told you. I'm very happy for you dear, make sure you use this opportunity to make him forget about her" Amirah says, all she wants is her sister's happiness and she can go to any lengths for that.

"Sure thing but we really have to celebrate. Why don't you come over today, so we'll celebrate over lunch? You, Khalid and I?" She reasons "it will be great to see her face."

"Being with me has made you smart I see. We'll do that of course."

They laugh and talk about other things happening in their lives.
"Let me go and prepare for the mini feast, it has to be extraordinary."

"I trust you on that. Goodbye"

Laila decides to go and rub salt on Khadija's wound. She is determined to make her life a living hell till she leaves the house. "Assalamu alaiki" she says as innocently as she can, into Khadija's room. Khadija replies with a genuine smile and offers her to seat.

"Thank you," she makes herself comfortable. "How are you feeling?"

"About what?"
"Do not try to act as if you don't know what I am referring. We all know that Khalid has been ignoring you so let's talk about that. How are you fairing?"

"The affairs between my husband and I shouldn't be your problem,"
"It is my problem because I initiated it," Khadija's eyes widen and she gasps. "You what?"

"Ugh I hate it when I have to repeat myself. I am the cause of all this"


"Hehe. To get Khalid, I can do anything. And very soon I'll throw you out of this house you know how?" Khadija looks terrified.

"I'll give birth to his child his mother will happily help me send you packing out of this house. Better get yourself together because all these tears you're shedding are just a kind of rehearsal. The real tears will be on their way."

"Why did you have to do that?"

"Oops, I need to cook food for my husband before he comes back home so I don't have time to answer your questions. See you around later"

"Yeah you should." Khadija smiles, fighting te urge to slap Laila to vent out her hatred and anger. Laila sashays out, singing merrily to Khadija's detriment.

"Nice play Laila. That was all I wanted to hear. Now I'll do everything possible to get my Khalid back. You definitely made a wrong decision by cheating on me." She smiles at herself, Laila is going to have it from her now.


Assalamu Alaikum people. What's good? Thank you so much for taking your time to read my book. I appreciate you.

HassanAmiinaa 💗

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