Chapter 7

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Will sat behind Nico on that red motorcycle as they pulled into the school parking lot, cutting Percy's path to Jason's truck off. Percy was slumped over, still clearly upset from earlier, but it was obvious he still clearly intended to go with the friends that made him that way.

"Get on, Percy," Nico ordered, still saying his name that way. "Before I change my mind."

Percy looked between them and then at the bike. "How?"

Nico looked over his shoulder at Will. "Scooch up. I'm sitting on your lap and you're driving."

Will blushed at the idea of it. Nico sitting on his lap in any way reminded his hormonal body of that day in the lake. "Is that safe?"

"Probably not. Just do it."

Will did as he was told and was soon in charge of a motorcycle for the first time in his life. The last thing he expected when he woke up that morning was to be smashed between Percy and Nico, the wind hitting their faces, his body warm and tingly wherever it hit Nico's. The sun showed through the trees in the perfect places. The forest floor was bumpy beneath the wheels.

"Where am I going?!" Will called over the noise. Branches breaking. Leaves crackling. Fall would be settling in eventually.

Nico's hands came to a rest on his. "Give me the controls."

And that brought about a site that both terrified him and excited him. Nico di Angelo, sitting on his lap cross-legged, controlling a motorcycle that crashed through the woods at dangerous speeds, not following a path neither beaten nor new, just riding through the trees and over anything that got in the way.

Nico parked them in an area that looked familiar but different, or maybe that's how you'd always view the woods when it came down to it. Percy got off the motorcycle first, then Nico, and finally Will when his lap was free. He was cold without Nico's body pressed against his.

"Where are we?" Percy asked. "What are we even doing out here?"

"Talking." Nico turned to face him. "We have a walk, but once we get there, I want to talk to you. It'll be private there. And I... Until we get there, I just want you to know that I don't hate you."

"Are you just saying that because they told you what happened?" Percy asked.

Nico shook his head. "I'm...I'm going to explain, but we got a walk first."

Will pocketed the motorcycle's keys before going to Nico's side. He gripped that pale hand in his, felt too much relief when Nico gripped his hand back.

Percy didn't look surprised at the display between them. He acted like it was normal, and all assumptions that Percy knew about them were strengthened as they started their walk through the woods.

They eventually came upon that clearing Nico had made him promise to never tell anyone about. Percy's eyes widened at the sight of the nature, of the rawness before them, and Will was still in awe as well despite having seen it before. Besides Nico, it was probably the most beautiful thing he had ever or would ever see.

Nico sat on the edge again, too close to it for Will's liking, his feet dangling over and his eyes on the horizon. His hands were bloody again from picking at his nails.

"Percy, we have to talk to you."

"Can we away from the edge?" Percy asked. "You can still see it all back here."

Will sat beside the treeline and held a hand out to Nico. "He's right, come over here. We should be facing each other, anyways."

Nico rolled his eyes but crawled over to them, sitting beside Will. Percy sat across from them, his green eyes worried and his face as sad as it was earlier in the day.

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