Chapter 3: Baby Forestel

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Hannah was late with her period. She just thought it was because of the planning of the wedding and the wedding.

Hannah was at work when she really thought about her peroid.

I'm really late. Hannah thought

She knew John was working late so she got off work early and went to the pharmacy and bought the pregnancy test.

At home....

Hannah goes into the bathroom and takes the test.

Waits 5 minutes for the results.

5 minutes later....

Test says positive

So she makes a phone call to her doctor and makes and appointment with her OBGYN to confirm the pregnancy before she told John. She didnt want to get his hope's up just incase it was a false positive.

Next day....

Not writing the doctor visit out

After the doctors appointment

She knew she was pregnant with a little girl and she was 4 months along.
She didnt know she was that far along. She didnt show any signs she was pregnant. Shes not throwing up or showing.

Hannah heads to the store and buys a shirt for herself and a onesie she was giving John to surprise him with the news.

After buying the stuff she needs she heads home and puts the new shirt on and puts the onesie in a bag so John can open it when he gets home.

John arriving home....

Hey. John said

Hey. Hannah said

How was your day? John asked

It was good. You? Hannah said

It was good, but it's better now. John said

I'm glad your home. Hannah said

Me too. John said

Hannaj grabs the bag and hands it to John for him to open.

What's this? John asked

Open it. Hannah said

John opens the bag and pulls the onesie out and reads it.

John looks at Hannah and smiles.

Are you serious? John asked

Yeah I am. Hannah said

Wow. How far along are you? John asked

4 months due November 10, 2016. Hannah said

How you dont even look pregnant? John asked

Because I'm so fit to be an agent I dont look pregnant. Hannah said

Do you know what were having? John asked

A little girl. Hannah said

Were having a daughter? John asked

We are. Hannah said

Wow. John said

I know. Hannah said

Are you happy? John asked

I'm so happy John you? Hannah said

Im so happy Hannah. John said

I love you. John said

Forestel Family: Hannah, John, and EmersonWhere stories live. Discover now