Chapter 6: Emerson reacts to John being shot

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Emerson age 13

John is shot by a guy named Marcus Jackson that he put away for fraud when he was still a field agent.

John was on his way out of the Hoover Buliding when he beard someone yell his name.

Agent Forestel. Marcus yelled

John turns around to the person yelling his name.

Marcus points his gun at John.

Remember me? Marcus said

Yes I do. I put you away for fraud. John said

Now it's time for you to pay. Marcus said

Marcus please I have a wife and daughter. John begged

Does it look like I care. Marcus said

Marcus then shoots John three times.
In the chest, stomach, and shoulder.
John clappuse

Marcus runs away

Agents inside heard the gun shots go off so they run outside guns drawn.
They see the director laying on the ground bleeding so they run over to him.

Director Forestel. Agent Shaw yelled
The agents put pressure on the gun shot wounds to slow the bleeding down.

Director can you hear me? Agent Shaw asked

Yes. John said

Helps on the way. Do you know who shot you? Agent Shaw asked

Marcus Jackson. Tell my wife and daughter I love them. John said

No you'll tell them yourself. Agent Shaw said

John passes out

Sir wake up. Agent Shaw said

Someone needs to tell Hannah. Agent Alexander said

I will do it. Agent Shaw said

The ambulance pulled up and paramedics run over to them.

What happened? Paramedic Evan's asked

The director was shot 3 times and was awake and talking but 2 minutes ago he passed out. Agent Shaw said

John stops breathing

He's not breathing. Agent Alexander yelled as he did CPR on John.

Paramedics intubate John and revive him and load him up into the ambulance.

We're taking him to GW. Paramedic Evan's said

Agent Alexander rode with the director to the hospital.

Agent Shaw gets into the SUV and puts on the lights and sirens and heads to the Forestel family home to tell Hannah what has happened.

At the Forestel home....

Agent Shaw gets out of the vehicle and walks up to the front door and knocks. Hannah answers the door.

Hannah sees Shaw's face and knew something had happened.

Shaw what's wrong? Hannah asked

Hannah I'm sorry to tell you this but your husband has been shot. Shaw said

Oh god. How? Hannah asked

The director was on his way out of the buliding when he was shot outside the Hoover Building. By a criminal named Marcus Jackson. The director was shot three times one to the chest, stomach, and shoulder. He also hit his head on the cement when he landed after being shot. Myself and Alexander applied pressure until help arrived. When they arrived the director had just passed out. He later stopped breathing so they intubated him and did CPR and revived him. They ambulanced him to GW. I'm here to take you and Emberson to the hospital. Shaw said

Forestel Family: Hannah, John, and EmersonWhere stories live. Discover now