Chapter 4: Emerson's First Birthday

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Good morning Emerson Happy Birthday. Hannah and John said

Da. Ma. Emerson said

Hannah and John looked at each other

Did she just say her first words? John asked

Yeah she did. Hannah said

They hugged her

2 hours later....

Emerson was playing and she took her forst steps towards Hannah and John.

Hannah and John stared at each ither.

So she's walking and talking now. Hannah said

Yep she is. She's growing up so fast. John said

Yeah she is. Hannah said

Birthday party at the White House....

What everyone got Emerson

Mike- Toys

Seth- Movies

Emily and Aaron- clothes

The Kirkman Family- clothes and books

Chuck- toy computer

Kimble- doll house

Hannah and John- toys, cloths, books, and movies

After the birthday party and at home....

John carrying a sleeping Emerson.

Do you think she had an amazing birthday today? Hannah asked

I know she did. She got to spend it with her family that loves her so very much. John said

I glad she had an amazing birthday today. Hannah said

Me too.wts go put our daughter to bed. John said

Yeah let's go put her to bed. Hannah said

They walk to Emerson's room and lay her her down and tuck her in.

Hannah and John watch Emerson sleep for a few minutes before turning into their bedroom for the night.

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