Chapter 7: Emerson's High School Graduation

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Emerson age 18 years old

Graduates from Benjamin Banneker High School.

The princle calls everyone's name.

Please help me introduce to you our valdictorean Emerson Rae Forestel. Principle Brown said

Emerson walks up to the podium

Before I start my speech I want to think my parents Hannah and John Forestel. My aunts Kimble, Alex, and Emily. My uncles Aaron, Mike, Chuck, Seth, Tom, and Jason. My cousins Leo and Penny without you guys as my role models I wouldnt be here today.
I'm announcing I will be attending George Wasington University and double majoring in criminal justice, and political science.

Speech: Good morning parents, families, faculty, and most of all graduating class of 2034. Almost exactly 4 years ago I remember leaving my middle school class for the last time and heading into the exciting and sometimes scary world of high school. I know a lot of you were nervous,though you wont admit it now. High school can be intimidating, for sure. But it can be also the best place for growth. If you didnt spend all your time updating your facebook status or tweeting about your weekend plans or even if you did you had the opportunity to meet and mingle with thousands of other students. You got the chance to share ideas, passions, and strengths.
As I made climbed up my way through the ranks from lower class man to upper class man it became clear that my classmates were compassionate, upbeat, curious, respectful, and highly talented people.
We have been given such rich opportunities in a safe and happy environment, and for that reason I believe that we can overcome any obstacle. And we should because if we don't, we are wasting our potential. It is time to set goals for your future. Congratulations class of 2034 we did it. Emerson said

After the graduation ceremony and Emersons's party....

Congrats Em. Leo said
Thanks Leo. Emerson said

Hey Emerson congrats. Penny said
Thanks Penny. Emerson said

I'm so proud of you. Aunt Alex said
Thanks Aunt Alex. Emerson said

Congrats amazing speech. Aunt Emily said
Thanks Aunt Emily. Emerson said

So George Washington University. Thought you would get out of D.C. by now. Im proud of you.
Uncle Aaron said
Nope I love it to much plus this home it's where my family is at and thanks Uncle Aaron. Emerson said

I'm very proud of you Emerson. Uncle Seth said
Thanks Uncle Seth. Emerson said

I'm proud of you Emerson Rae your gonna go so far in life. Uncle Tom said
Thanks Uncle Tom. Emerson said

I've watched you grow up into an amazing woman Emerson Rae. I'm so very proud you. Uncle Mike said
Thanks Uncle Mike. Emerson said

You are so your parents daughter so very dedicated. I'm so very proud of you. Congrats. Uncle Chuck said
Thanks Uncle Chuck. Emerson said

You will do an amazing job in whatever you set your mind to. Congratulations Emerson. Aunt Kimble said
Thanks Aunt Kimble. Emerson said

Emerson Rae hard to believe you graduated high school baby. I am so very proud of you. Emerson you are an amazing woman. You will go far in life. I'm so very proud to be your mom. Hannah said with tears in her eyes
Thanks momma. You have been the best role model I could ask for if it wasnt for you I wouldnt be half the woman i am without you. Emerson said

Emerson Rae Forestel you are the apple of my eye. You are so much your mother and I combined. Your smart, caring, dedicated, and know what your going to do in life. Your the best thing that's happened to me besides your mom. I'm having a hard time beliving my baby girls already grown up. I'm so very happy for you and so very proud of you. John said with tears in his eyes
Thanks daddy. You've showed me how to be the woman I now am. You've compassionate, smart, and dedicated. If it wasnt for you a d mom I wouldnt be where I am now. Emerson said

Emerson hugged her parents

Forestel Family: Hannah, John, and EmersonWhere stories live. Discover now