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The Next Day
The Barber Shop..

Today I working my second job, it was around 11 when the shop seemed to slow down a bit

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Today I working my second job, it was around 11 when the shop seemed to slow down a bit. Usually around this time a wave of people come through but not today. i'm not complaining though that's for sure. I go to grab bundles from the back because I knew my next client would be here soon. I sweep around me and my girl Kelly's area since she was running a little late today. Once I was done doing that it was still slow so I got on my phone.

I got texts from our little group chat, I was tagged in pictures from the party, and my mom let me know I have to pick up my brother tonight from his game. Which is fine because i'm not going to be all that busy later on anyway.

"hey y'all.." Kelly comes rushing in.

"wassup Kel" Calvin says while lining someone up. everyone else said hi while Eddie shook his head.

"hey girl.." I say to her "here's the money from the client earlier " I hand the money to her and she takes it

"thank you Nic for doing that, I know it was last minute"

"girl don't even worry about it, I understand stuff happens" I say to her

"where you been at girl?" Eddie says from across the room and I roll my eyes

"where you been at girl?" Eddie says from across the room and I roll my eyes

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"Eddie don't start..she had to drop Titan off at school" I sit down in my chair crossing my legs.

"it's now day three of her coming in late, young people are so different now days. Showin up to work whenever they wanna an-"

"if it makes y'all feel any better" She's holds up a bag "I got everyone donuts..and coffee"

once she said that Eddie limped right over to us along with everyone else, I watched them and laughed
Music played throughout the shop, I had just got done braiding Tionne's little brothers hair when a group of guys came in all rowdy.

"aye! if y'all gon be loud and cussing, y'all gotta step back outside" Calvin said looking up from what he was doing.

"my bad Calv, my bad" I heard Tionne say walking inside. She dapped him up then turns back to the group "y'all go wait outside , i'll be out in a bit"

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