Final Chapter

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Why hellow there as you can see this is the final chapter ^, indeed it is you didn't read it wrong xD. Don't worry this chapter will be super duper long so prepare some snacks to accompany you so that you won't be lonely like me ;). Oh shush me let's just get in to the story~



Day by day, everything has return to normal. Y/N is now a high school student, pretty fast ey? What about her brothers? Oh don't worry they are.. well we can say more crazy then before -w-

Jin : eXcUsE mE?!

Whoops- Never mind that. Anyways, Y/N is now very popular at school. She gained lots and lots of popularity by her excellent grades. No she is not a nerd but she is just very VERY smart. (Indeed unlike me T^T). How about Minjoon you may ask? Well he is also very popular especially when he is with Y/N, they both gained lots of attentions when they fought as if they are siblings. Y/N's uncle? Well he recently has been visiting Y/N and her brothers from time to time. 

Now you may ask what about Y/N's dad? Hmm.. well you will see now.


-On the phone-

Y/N : Oppa, today I need to go over my friends house to work on this assignment

Jin : Hmm.. is it a boy or a girl?

Y/N : A boy...

Jin : What?! A boy?! No no you are so not going

Y/N : But- It's just for an assignment oppa!

Jin : ...

Y/N : Pwease~

Jin : *sighs* Alright just be careful ok princess?

Y/N : Ne thank you oppa~ Also don't call me princess I'm not a princess oppa hmph!

Jin : *chuckles* Ok, oh also don't go home too late alright?

Y/N : Ok oppa~ bye see you~

Jin : Bye~

-Hangs up call-


ding dong

I rang my friend's door bell. After a few seconds, he opened the door. 

??? : Oh hi Y/N!

Y/N : Hello Suho! (I picked this name cuz idk anymore, got it from a webtoon story~)

Suho : Come in! 

I went inside his house and just looked around.

Suho : So uh- where do you want to do the assignment?

Y/N : Umm.. any room at least its comfortable for us to do it

Suho : Hmm alright then let's go to my bedroom

Y/N : Mkay~

-At Suho's room-

Suho : Sorry if its a bit messy hehe *scratches head*

Y/N : It's fine, its very usual for me to see some someone room if its messy because my brothers are also messy 

Suho : Haha alright then let's do this assignment!

- 8 PM -

I stretched as i finished the assignment and looked at the time. I widened my eyes as I saw the clock strikes at 8  o'clock. God Jin oppa is going to scold me with his frying pan.

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