Chapter 4

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Douxie's pov

I run into the room and see Y/N on the floor, Jim standing over her.

"What are you doing-?" I ask, very confused. They both look over to me.

"No, what are you doing?" Jim asks, striding up to me. "For the glory of Merlin daylight is mi-"

"Yes, yes, I'm right here- Ah, Trollhunter. What are you doing here?" Merlin says as he walks in.

"What are you doing with Claire's sister!?" he retaliates. I blink and look to Merlin.

"Guess we better explain then..." I whisper to him.

Time skip.

Y/N appears back in the room.

"Wow.. So you just teleported to your house and back. And you're 916 years old!?"

Y/N nods, still slightly shook I suppose.

"You can't tell anyone, not yet!" Merlin says, very loudly.

"What about-"

"Claire? Yeh, I said that too. Nope, nobody can know," Y/N sighs. I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and smile at her.

"Don't worry, everyone will be told, or find out, eventually," I say, trying to make her feel better. We look at the time and realise it's already 4 AM. 

"Well, we should get back to school-" Jim says, giving me a dirty look.

"Want me to-" I start asking Y/N, but Jim moves his hand across his throat. Jim and Y/N grab their stuff and leave.

Y/N's pov

I open my locker and take out my Spanish book. As I close my locker door, I see Douxie standing there.

"Oh, hey!" I say, in surprise, "Didn't know you went here."

"I don't," he chuckles, "I'm here to scout out the competition."

"Battle of the Bands?" I ask.


"My band is gonna crush it!" we both say simultaneously.

"Oh! Cool! What band are you in?" he asks.

"Well, I'm the new back up guitarist for Ash Dispersal Pattern, I was going to sing but I can't in front of people." I say, with a nervous giggle. His face lights up.

"Ash Dispersal Pattern is my band! I'm the lead guitar and I sing a bit too," he says, a bit too loud for my liking. After telling him to keep it down, we say our goodbyes and I head to Spanish class.

Time skip

"I hate Spanish!" Toby stated.

"Haha! Growing up knowing Spanish family helps me," I laugh. Toby frowns and I playfully punch his arm.

"Hey, you'll get there eventually!"

I look at the watch on my wrist.

"Well, I should get going!"

"Where are you off to now?" Claire asked.

"To meet someone, and don't follow me Jim..." I hiss, giving Jim evil eyes.

Time skip

I'm sitting by the waterfall, awaiting Douxie's arrival. He walks up to me, smiling, holding a box with holes in it.

"For you, Y/N," he says, pushing the box to me. I smile and open it, inside is a cat, exactly like Archie, except a lovely white colour.

"Hello there! I'm Charm, your familiar! I've been searching for you for years, ever since they took me away!" the cat says. I stare, in shock for a minute, before pulling Charm, Douxie and Archie into a hug.

"Um, Y/N.." Douxie says, nervously.

"Yeh?" I reply, slightly nervous too.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you..."


I feel like some people are gonna be mad because of this cliffhanger, and some people know what he's gonna say teehee. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! It's probably my favourite I've written so far. 😅 Updates coming soon!!!

-Ash out

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