Prt 8

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Sai's pov
After that long meeting with sandaime it was decided that even anbu units by the age under 18 are sent back to the academy sandaime said there is no need for you soldiers the country aren't at war we are at the age of peace and we must keep it that way so we followed sandaimes orders and surrendered my uniform even thought mine has marks from every mission I went but I must let go we start by Monday and today's Saturday then ino spoke to me
Ino:hey Sai you know that promise when we were at ichirakus the other day
Sai:gomen ino-chan I forgot haha
Ino:well remember I promised I show you konoha the other day maybe after this meeting we can continue the tour
Sai:sure ino-chan I'll be honoured
Ino:*giggles*okay sai-kun
*After Meeting*
Inos pov
I waited for Sai-kun to arrive at the exit of sandaimes office then I spotted him talking to a Jonin the Jonin looked at me and left with the others then Sai came to me
Sai:ready to show me konoha?
Ino:well I'm ready don't know about you
Sai:well I talked to my neesan and he agrees to go with you so can we start?
Ino:yeah let's go
Sai's pov
Well the meeting was long and boring but atleast I am with ino today and she's showing me konoha and im grateful we went to the market the park and we stopped by the training grounds then ino asked me
Ino:hey want to spar
Sai:uh okay but it's almost dark your parents might be mad at you
Ino:nah let's spar sai-kun
Sai:sigh fine but I'll walk you home later
Ino:hai let's go to the cleared spot over there
Sai:we went to a sparing ground it was clear of trees it's an open ground ino went to a position 1 meter away from me then she shouted
Sai:I waited for her to attack but she just made a hand sign with her eye alined with her hand then
Ino:shin-tenshin jutsu
Sai:I was paralyze like I can't move I can't control my body wait why am I spawning on beast scroll I can't control them
Ino:I replaced my body with Sai I can see my body fall to the ground then I used sai-kuns beast scroll I summoned 6 of them when I was done I was about to bail sai-kuns body I made a hand sign then I made them attack sai-kun my timing was perfect sai-kun was being mauled when I left his body
Sai:ah I can feel that I have full control then I saw my hand sign I was attacking myself then they pounced on me nani!!!!!!
Ino:Sai-kun was being mauled by his own jutsu Nani!!!!! I hear his scream I readid my kunai and walked slowly to him he made a hand sign that made the inked beast gone then when I had my chance I pinned him on the chest and hold him to the ground with the kunai on his neck
Sai:okay okay I give up
Ino:he said with a lot of bruises I let him go and appologized
Sai:it's alright it's my fault underestimating you
Ino:haha it's okay now let's get you up as I was about to pull him up I stumble to his chest almost kissing him I blushed and took a couple of steps back then he appologized
Sai:gomen ino-chan I'm too weak to stand up
Ino:alright I'll heal you okay
Sai:wait you know medical jutsu?
Ino:well not really I have a medic kit with me mostly bandages
Sai:oh okay thanks ino-chan that fight was not long haha sorry
Ino:it's alright sai-kun I overdid it
Sai:no I'm sorry I'm to arrogant sometimes ino-chan bandaged me up but it still hurts I got up and offered ino if I can walk her home
Ino:can you still walk sai-kun?
Sai:yeah it's nothing I still have a mission tomorrow I got no time to be hurt
Ino:oh but aren't you ranked down again ?
Sai:well yeah but I still have my last mission tommorow and it's a long one
Ino:how long?
Sai:maybe a week or so
Ino:what ranked?
Sai:can't say maybe a or b
Ino:wow dangerous
Sai:yeah uh where do you live?
Ino:uh their just 1 block left
Sai:okay we continued to walk to her house it was a great experience for me because this was my first time talking this long I didn't notice ino stopped by her house and giggled because I was 6 steps away from her house I went back and said good bye and asked her
Sai:uh ino-chan?
Ino:hai sai-kun?
Sai:maybe you would want a souvenir when I come home?
Ino:uh okay thank you sai-kun
Sai:don't thank me yet ino-chan bye I waved as I continued my walk to the apartment after that long night I layed on my bed and just fell asleep because of the tired state that I am in

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