Derek Wills

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I've never seen the show but I want to, his character just looks like he fits the part :3
You have a French accent
(Warnings: Sexual actions, google translate")
Translation: the Thumb drive: la clé USB
Shit:merde!  Fuck me: baise moi! Yeah: Ouais, ma:My, est:is, qui:who,oui:yes, que:What

I've never seen the show but I want to, his character just looks like he fits the part :3You have a French accent(Warnings: Sexual actions, google translate")Translation: the Thumb drive: la clé USBShit:merde!  Fuck me: baise moi! Yeah: Ouais, ma:...

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(that's your whole outfit, hair glasses everything)I sat at a table sipping my coffee reading a book

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(that's your whole outfit, hair glasses everything)
I sat at a table sipping my coffee reading a book. I noticed this man looking at me but pretended I didn't. After a few minutes he walked over to me sitting down. "Hello." He had a thick Russian accent, "Bonjour?" I responded smiling, he started talking to me about random topics,
It's been probably 3 or 4 minutes,
"Hey! I haven't seen you in a long time." A man said coming up to us, "give me a hug." He said and grabbed my arm pulling me up into a hug, "stay quiet, Just go along with it, for your safety." He whispered, no words came out of my mouth.
He pulled away smiling, "Jorgensen , do you know this lovely lady?" "No."
"I hope you won't mind if I take her away for a few seconds." He put down $20  and picked up my phone and purse. "Let's go darling, we have much to catch up on." We started walking away, "Monsieur, let go of my arm." "No, not until we're out of here." "Que est going on?" I asked trying to yank my arm from him. Suddenly there were gunshots, multiple.
I quickly covered my head and he slammed me on the wall, blocking me with his body. "That." He said, he grabbed my arm again, I had to continue my mission.
If they got him- before I finished that thought he picked me up throwing me over his shoulder. I started kicking and hitting his back, "stop. Kicking!" He said then  threw me in a back seat of a car. He got in himself, "Drive Feldmen ." He said, I crawled to the other side and opened the door. "No you don't." He grabbed my waist pulling me back, shutting the door. "Calm down!" "tu sont kidnapping me!" "No were- ok well technically we are. But it's for your own safety." I fought against his grip
"ma'am just sit." He scalded "tell me the truth I will know if your lying. Have you had any contact with Jorgensen before today?" " qui est Jorgensen?" "The man who sat beside you." "No, I have never seen him before" "now is there any one who can identify you at the shop, "Oui. I'm a regular, friends with the owner and I was the maid of honor at his daughter's wedding." "Of course you where. Feldman do we have a tail?" "No" "good drive us to the Creekside safe house." "But that's 3 hours away" "yeah I know. Just drive." I sorta glared at him, "don't look at me like that lady. We don't have another plan. And most likely you'll have a hit order on your head.
Tho why should it matter to me at the moments" he muttered the last part.
"va te faire foutre" I muttered (kiss my ass)
I had a small plan just to press his buttons. I started crying.
"Come on Miss. don't cry." I tried to stop but couldn't. He pulled me closer to him and I held onto his shirt crying into his shoulder. "Come on where's that spitfire you had a few minutes ago? Hey shhh it's alright. There's no way to know when you'll-" , after a few seconds of 'crying' I punched him in the nose, I crawled over again unlocking the door,
before I could open it he grabbed my foot dragging me to him.
He flipped us and pinned me on the seat. "And the spitfires back. Would you really jump out of a car moving this fast." Oui!" I thrusted against his grip, "calm down. I said calm down! I'll let go of your wrist as soon as you calm down! Ow stop it, I swear I will restrain you." "I'd like to see you try!" I shouted in his face. "Alright, duck tape it is." "Uh- uhdhdhu ?" Feldmen started chuckling. "Feldmen just drive the fucking car!" He wrapped the tape around my hands. "Get this off me!" "Sorry but I would like to keep you from gorging my eyes out."
The man who was driving was laughing. Probably at the position we where in.
"Feldmen not a word. I swear if you so much as snicker I'll-" "well is this the turn?" "Yes"
"Let go of me!" He threw me over his shoulder again, "don't fight it. You'll only make it worse." We entered a cabin and the threw me on a couch.
In the car we had some.... different opinions so now my feet are tapped together. "What about a tooth brush, or a change of clothes?" "Don't worry about that. We have those here." "Can I use the restroom?" I asked, "yeah but you have to promise not to be a hell cat if I cut you free." "Sure." He cut the tape and I stood, "by the way, that window is bolted shut, wouldn't want to to break a nail trying to escape."
"Oh don't worry." I smarted back, I kicked him in the stomach trying I bolt towards the door. He grabbed me holding me tightly. "No you don't. If you try that again mine and Feldmans ties will be wrapped around you." "Kinky one isn't he?" I asked and Feldmen snickered, "no not like that. shut up Feldman your only going to encourage her" "bathroom?" Yeah, you have 5 minutes if your not out by then, I'll send Feldmen to go get you." I groaned and walked into the bathroom. I sighed and looked at myself.
I walked over to the window trying to pry it open but nothing. I patted my sides, 'ma téléphone' "merde, merde, merde."(shit)I whispered, I opened the door walking out. "Oh look who it is. Princess made it out of the bathroom in her own." "You know I wasn't born yesterday."
"ma téléphone" "don't worry it's safe. You might get it back once all this is over.
"Why don't you pick a room. Just incase you have to storm off somewhere. But don't make yourself too comfortable." "I don't plan on it." "Me or Feldmen will have to share the room with you." "Mmm great." With that I slammed the door in his face, hitting his nose,
I smirked as I heard him groan in pain."
I sat on the bed playing with my fingernails. There really was no escape, unless I snuck out while one of them were sleeping. But they were probably both light sleepers and I can't leave my phone. The door opened and I looked over to the man, "knock knock, are you decent?" "Well the doors already open, what dose it matter. And you know your suppose to ask that before you open the door. Heads up for next time." I sassed
, "yeah yeah."
"Feldmen volunteered for the night shift-" "and you pulled the short straw." "Yeah if you want to put it like that." He sat down on the other bed, "Que your name?" I asked, "oh I guess I never told you.-" " if you did I would've asked dumb ass." He sucked in a sharp breath before blowing the out slowly, I knew I was pressing every button and I loved it. "Derek Wills. Yours?"
"Yn Ln"
"That's beautiful. It suits you." I cracked a small smile, "well ma'am-" "you know my name." "Well I've been in service so long it's drilled in there." "Military?" "Not anymore." "What do you do?" "I can't tell you that. What about you?" "I'm- uh- an accountant."
"Where you raised in France?"
"So you know French?" I asked, "I don't know a lot of words but I know some of the ones you used. Like mon téléphone, ma, est, qui, oui, que, And that's really it."
"Is English your 2nd language"
"Hey um sorry you couldn't call your family before you left."
"Whats the point. I don't have any famille"
"What do you mean? Are they in France?"
"ma famille don't talk to me. There ashamed of me I'm guessing. I haven't had contact with them for years."
I sat up and I looked at him our eyes locking, I bit my lip lightly then the door opened. "Jorgensen is here!"
"How did he find us so fast?!" "I don't know." "Alright go get gas cans from the shed." Feldmen nodded and ran out. "You pack a bag." I opened my mouth, "No now is not the time! You have two minutes!"
(Next afternoon)
I looked out the window at the passing trees. "Hey are you ok? You haven't said a word for the past 100 miles. Not that I'm complaining." Derek asked, "yeah I'm fine. Just tired and a little hungry." "Now that you mentioned it I'm a little hungry too. Feldmen why don't we stop at the hospital, you stay with her-" I grabbed his arm shaking my head no. It's not that I didn't like Feldmen but I wanted to be with
"Ok, I'll stay with her and you go get us hamburgers or something." "Alright, sounds good." "Why the hospital?"
"Because a waiting room is a great area to lay low for a bit."
' agir muet un peu plus longtemps Yn.'
(Act dumb a little longer)
We stepped into the hospital and I sat down. After a few minutes I knew I had to get my phone and get out of here. We sat down and he started telling me about why he was doing this. "Why me?" "Um I'm guessing how you look" "faible?" (Weak?)
no not like that. gullible,attractive." "You think I'm attractive " "I beg your pardon ma'am but I have eyes. You've got that look, that beauty that most most folks would love to look at for a long time." "Did you think that? When you first saw me?" "Yeah. I thought so right away. You turned into a Hellcat in the car with a fire in your eyes that I couldn't help but admire." I smiled and blushed, "Damn forgive me. That wasn't professional. I apologize for making you uncomfortable." "You didn't. Um do you know where the restrooms are?." I -asked, "yeah over there." We got up and walked over to them, "alright I'm going in with you." "What?! No!" "Yes, your in no position to argue." "That's pervy!" "There's nothing pervy about wanting to keep you safe." "It's a public restroom." "Fine but it's your not out here in 5 minutes I'm going in there." "Quit giving me time frames." "No." I groaned and walked in. Suddenly a hand grabbed my arms pulling them behind my back and shoving me on the wall. "You're gonna be a good girl and walk out the door.
Your little friend has something I need and I'm using you to get it."
He said, "now fallow my lead". I tried to pull from his grip but he tightened. "Don't do that." I felt cold Metal press against the skin of my head. I stoped, "good girl."
He opened the door, "wow that was fas- Jorgensen." "Hello Derek. Surprised to see me?" His hand slyly made its way to his Gun. "I wouldn't do that." He cocked the gun and I flinched, closing my eyes tightly. ''continue d'agir'
(Keep acting)
"Derek, I'm sorry-"
"shut up." Jorgensen said pressing it harder on my head, "let her go. She's no need to you." "Oh I know. But her phone is. She doesn't have it so you must." "Her phone?" "Yes, it holds something between the case, that I need. It's what everyone has been surcharging for." My eyes widened a bit. 'comment le savait-il?' (How did he know?)
"Now toss it over, or this hospital won't be able to help her."
"Ok." He started slowly moving his hand towards a pocket. "What the?" I head butted Jorgensen kicked him and slammed his head on my knee, knocking him out.
"You- you knocked him out." Hair fell in my face and angled my head down breathing deeply, "wow, you could've done that to me at anytime." He chuckled, I bent down grabbing the gun, it was un cocked, I turned around and aimed it at him. "W-what are you doing?" "Your tie. Take it off" He did as instructed, "hand it." I took it from him, "sit" "sit?" I cocked the gun,
"Derek sit!" "Ok ok I'm sitting." "Hands behind you back. "What-" I put the tie around them tightening it. "Ow! Do you have to do it so tight?!" "Just shut up. Where's  ma téléphone?" "My front pocket." I reached in and grabbed it. "Who the hell are you? Who do you work for? Hm!" I slammed my lips on his.
He groaned in shock but kissed back. Our tongue danced then I pulled away. "Wow." I licked my lips slightly, and started walking towards the door. "Hey! Yn! Come back!" He shouts. I walk down the side walk, to the control room. It took about 5 minutes from were I was.
I opened the door and walked in, I went to the computer taking off my phone case, I went to grab it but it was gone.. "la clé USB! merde!  baise moi!" I screamed
I gripped my hair harshly.
"Surprise princess." Derek said, I twirled around quickly, "Hmm at first I thought we were protecting an innocent civilian. But it's seems your not so innocent."
He said holding out the thumb drive
"What ever gave you the bright idea?" I asked, "you know what bothers me is knowing you know what's on this drive. And it really presses my buttons." He said growling, my core got damp, "who do you work for?"
"I'm not allowed to tell you." "Uh huh". Suddenly my phone rang, I picked it up and it was my boss. "Shh." "Really? Your picking up the phone now?!" "Shut up." I said, and answered it
"Hello sir, ."
"Agent Ln is Derek Wills with you."
"Yes sir"
"Let me talk to him"
"Yes sir "
"It's for you." "For me?" I handed him the phone, "hello? Who the hell is this?" "Oh sir! Yes sir- when did we become aware that both groups are fallowing the same trail?" I looked at him shocked, "Yes sir.... cooperate?" He put his hand on the bottom of the phone.
"Do you understand this." I nodded, "ok" he uncovers, "yes sir. We will report soon." He then hung up. Handing me my phone. "well I can't say I saw this coming. Did you know?" "No, I was told my mission was to get Jorgensen. Did you get him?"
"We did,"
We started talking about a plan, but I couldn't help but have my eyes trail to his lips, and his perfect ass. "Let's give him some rope and see if he hangs himself with it. Then the really big fish will be just a step away." "Ouais, We already have his main guy, now all we have to do is get a look at la clé USB." "Of course."
There was silence, "hey that kiss before. What was that?" "I uh wanted to know what your lips felt like. A-and I've takin a liking to you, not just anyone can handle my stubborn ass." I said, "I wanted to know too. And you  made my mind wonder a few time." He said,
"Did you- did you like it?"
"Yeah I liked it. A lot. Your- hmm, your a good kisser."
"Your not bad yourself."
"This is probably- definitely against all protocol but I'd like to get to know you better, maybe outside of work? And maybe share another kiss?" " Ouais, id like that." (Yeah)
"But I'd puffer my hands untied so I could do my part to make it better." "Mmm and how is that so. Show me." I said, he stepped closer to me, "well for one I'd want to put one hand on your hip bringing you closer, and my other in your hair. Like this." He pulled me closer to him, our bodies now completely against each other's.
"Is this ok?"
I breathed out.
"Then id want to look into your eyes for a moment. Making sure your on the same page." He breathes for short, "and your lips, you have beautiful lips. I'd want to admire them before I brought my face closer."
"Like this."
He did so, I felt his warm breath on my lips, "then.... wait."
He leaned in and so did I. Our lips touched, then pulled apart. They touched again this time in a more hungry kiss. His hand in my hair went to my ass pulling me closer.
My hands however went to his hair pulling, our tongues danced, this felt right. Like it was meant, his lips fit perfectly on mine. My leg went up to his waist and his hand slid under my knee. Pushing me against a wall. The kiss getting hungrier. The sound of the door opening made him pull his lips off but not opening his eyes.
"Shut up Feldmen."
He said before returning to my lips. I gridded on him and he groaned in my mouth. Both of us matching the aggressive kiss.
Sorry My writing has probably gone down hill, I need characters and I won't be able to post as often because of school. But I got this Oneshot idea from Cardlinaudios. Check him out if your single or miss your Bf, and want attention XD
Now here are 3 of my favorite comments 1st ones my fav.

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