Simple Day, Late Noon

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Suddenly, a loud noise comes from the table next to us, as if someone slammed their fist on the table. We all look, and it's that one curly haired boy who threw my books on the floor this morning & is a total jerk. As he leaves, I see him whisper something to the blonde haired guy that's always with him. As soon as he leaves, Rose & everyone else at this table turns around and begins to speak again.


The bell rings, meaning that I guess lunch is over. I grab my things, and head on my way out the cafeteria.

"Woah, Nevaeh," Liam says as he gently, yet harshly, grabs my arm. "Where are you going?" He asks. I'm sort of confused right now.

"Well, are we not suppose to be going to class now?" I ask and look around noticing the rest staring at me.

"No silly, the sophomores have study hall right now." Jayleen says and grabs my Hand as she grabs her things and we all start walking, leading me to study hall.

"Well, Im not a sophomore anymore, which means that I have an actual class right now. See you guys later!" Louis says leaving us and waving as he disappears into the crowded halls.

Time passes, and before I know it, I'm in my last class with just about a minute or two left of it. I haven't seen Azeal after lunch, and I wonder if I should meet her to walk home after school. The bell rings, and everyone bursts out the door.

I get my books into my new locker since their isn't any homework over the weekend, and I'm just glad The day is over. It was good, but I definitely don't feel the same as in LA. When I reach outside the school, I see my mother waiting for me in the car and quickly run to her. Azeal is sitting on the back seat, and mom has some boxes in the front seat Next to her.

"How were you guises first day of school?" Mom asks.

"It was okay for me, ugh. Although the classes are way easier so my straight A reputation ahold stay the same." A zeal says as she throws her bag to the back of the car.

"My day was, okay too I guess..." I say trying to not get questioned.

"OKAY? You had what? Like 5 friends by lunch !! That's a new record for you." Azeal mocks me making me laugh & I shove her.

"Really Nevaeh??!!" My mother questions me taking a quick glance back. She must be shocked since I was never really the "social" kind of person.

"Yes mother, I made friends. Now can we please just head home once in for all?" I reply.

I look out the window for the rest of the ride home and see some guys & girls from school. Around 5 minutes later, we get home and I quickly go upstairs to change in a pair of sweats & a long sleeve Aeropostale gray shirt. I pull my hair in a bun & take a nap. (my daily routine)

I can feel his hot breathing on my neck, bringing shivers to my sides. His hands are moving up and down my hips as we dance through the night. Making the best out of the worst.
"I want you. And only you Neva" He says as he places small kisses on my jaw leading to my cheekbone. I turn around with my eyes closed, and touch his lips with mine... Tasting the cherry vodka on his tongue, making me feel safe, yet knowing I'm mixing with danger. I pull away from the kiss... Realizing what's happening.
"this isn't right-"

I feel cold water running through my hair & onto my face. I quickly feel it go into my nose & jump off my bed. I see Azeal laughing, falling on my bed to finish her cracking up session.

"ha-ha. Very funny." I say graving a tissue from my desk and wiping my face.

"Wh-What are you doing in my room exactly?" I ask taking a seat next to her.

"I was going to ask if you could walk me to the party. Mom and dad said I have to have someone leave me and bring me back. Therefore I want you to come!" She pulls a red lipstick from her little bag and applies it on.

"Isn't too early though?" I ask... Wait. What time is it anyways? I'm supposed to meet up with Liam and the rest so I have to be there on time.

"Uhhh no. If anything we are 30 minutes late. It's 7:34 pm." Once she says the time, I quickly burst into the closet and grab a random outfit and force Azeal out my room. I can't believe it's that late already. They're probably waiting for me already. I'm not going to dress up nice, it shouldn't even matter what I wear since it's just a random party. I grab my bag and put my phone in my pocket. I head to the restroom and quickly check my hair, doing some arrangements to it.

"NEVAEH HURRY UP!" Azeal screams from downstairs.

I quickly run to the living room and say bye to my parents, as I grab Azeal by the hand & head to the party.


Sorry this chapter is short. I just needed to update something since it's probably been the longest. I've just had a really tough time since school started and don't even have time for myself. It's my last year in middle school & I need the highest GPA as possible. I promise I'll update soon again for the Party Chapter. Many things are coming on the way.

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