The Rainwing disguised as an Icewing

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"Never tell your name to other dragons. Never let them know you're an assassin. And most importantly never ever talk to your targets. You got that Deathbringer? Thats the biggest mistake you can make as an assassin." His mother poked him in the chest none to gently.

Deathbringer was nearly knocked over by Quickstrike's gester.

"Why?" He had asked tilting his head at her in a both puzzled and curious way, one that he wore to often due to the fact of most of the dragonet's questions never being answered.

"Because it puts you in jeopardy." Her face seemed to softened for a moment at those words. But Quickstrike quickly hardened it again. " And everything else. Now let's get back to your training."

Deathbringer remmebered that lecture. Its not like it was one that was only said once. It was one that his mother had scolded him about so many times before. It was always that one lecture that she always pressed.

So why did he tell this strange Icewing his name?

Well if anything goes wrong I can always just kill her. Deathbringer thought to himself. He then chuckled, glad to be able to amuse himself.

Out the corner of his eye, he saw movement. He turned his head quickly before realizing it was just the scroll with his targets on them, the one he had quickly hidden from the mystery Icewing.

He picked up the scroll of his targets and looked through it, taking his mind off the Icewing and wondering where the dragonets were. Deathbringer was within sight of Blaze's fortress once more, but no one had as much as poked thier snout out. The only dragons that had come in were two Icewings, though he was sure one of them was the one from eariler. The cool air was blowing across his snout as he glanced away from the fortress and back at his scroll.

His targets still puzzled him though. All the information he had on them were sketches and thier names, as always. a Seawing and a Rainwing. Tsunami and Glory he thought learning the names as he faced Blaze's fortress once more.


The Nightwing looked back at the scroll. He flicked his tail as he added two and two together as he compared the sketch in his talons and the Icewing from that morning. No wonder the Icewing from eariler had seemed so strange. She wasn't an Icewing at all, she was a Rainwing.

The Rainwing he was sopposed to kill. 

Before he could follow the train of thought, the door of the fortress swung opened and Blaze, along with two Icewings came out of her fortress. He saw them lingering behind Blaze but when she flew into the sky the two Ice dragons quickly followed her. He waited for a moment, expecting more Icewings or atleast one other Sandwing but no one else followed it was just Blaze with two Icewings.


But he wanted to study them more closely. For all he knew one of them could be Glory in her Icewing disgiuse which he thought was clever. He quickly tucked his scroll in his black pouch along with his disks. He spread his wings and followed them curiously and quietly. He flew above them, and made his wingbeats soft, though with the wind it would be hard to hear him anyways.

This time he studied the two dragons trailing off Blaze, who was talking even though none of the dragons seemed to listen. He studies them both out of curiousity and to tune out the Sandwing.

No spiked tail, and none of the actual spikes on thier necks he thought. No these weren't Icewings, neither of them were, they could only be Rainwings. He tilted his head at them in a curious way. He regonized one to be the Icewing from that morning from her colored scales.

Suddenly she dipped her wings and the other two dragons followed her landing on a large perch and he spotted other dragonets. A MudWing, SeaWing, a strange colored Sandwing, and a NightWing. The assassin perched himself on a ledge for a closer look at his tribemate. Quickstrike had always pressed him to learn the names of his fellow Nightwings as well as the guards roating schedule and when its thier turn to hunt.

But he didn't regonize the Nightwing dragonet at all. Even if Deathbringer wasn't on the island all the time he still regonized faces well, and this Nightwing didn't look as unhealthy as the rest of his tribe. However decided to perched himself on a small ledge, well out of sight few minutes after, where he could hear the dragons below him.

"Oh wow it is so so so exitcting to meet you, where's the skywing?" he heard Blaze ask in a puzzled way.

"Glory is our fifth dragonet" one voice said kindly.

"Oh, but shes a RainWing and the prophecy called for a SkyWing doesnt it?" Blaze asked as if she wasnt entirly sure herself.

"What prophecy? Whats a dragonet of destiny?" a diffrent male voice said, who also seemed puzzled.

"Are you serious? Do yu have any idea of whats going on here?" he heard Glory snapped

"Its far too complicated to explain" another said in a matter of fact tone.

Someone answered in a kind voice " theres a war going on and a prophecy says five dragonets will stop it and thats us."

"Oh, Neat."

"Yes far too complicated" a new female voice said.

"Its a little more specific than that, it says two of the SandWing sisters will die- hopefully not me! And it says that five dragonets, a MudWing, a Seawing, a NightWing, a SandWing and a SkyWing." Blaze pointed out.

"We've got a RainWing insted and we're fine with that" another snapped none to kindly.

Deathbringer froze when he heard wingbeats behind him and he made sure to melt into the shadows and stayed still. Ignoring his screaming muscles. But he turned his head to the frantic wingbeats hoping not to give himself away.


He counted about five of the Sand dragons. Four of them flying as if thier life depended on it, spreading out in all sorts of diffrent directions. One of the Sandwings, the largest one it seemed, was hovering and looking at the terrain under him. Deathbringer could tell he was barking orders at the Sandwings but the Nightwing couldn't catch what he was saying over the howling wind. 

I bet they're searching for Blaze, before Queen Glacier finds out shes gone and punishes them.


Blaze is out here unprotected.

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