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while writing most of my Chapters I was listening to NSN (NeverShoutNever!) so if they seem a little weird hippy-ish, thank Christofer Drew. Also, more artist will pop up in this story. Some will stay, some will only be here for a second. Some people (not telling whether they stay or not) are Ronnie Radke, Kellin Quinn, Vic Fuentes, Oli Sykes, Christofer Drew, etc. Bam. Also, if you have a suggestion of a band/ artist who should enter the story then don't be stranger and PM me or comment. Thanks!! Now to the prologue.

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Tanni's POV

I set the straightener down, running my fingers through my light blue hair.

I was getting ready to go see my boyfriend, Luke, at his flat.

I got up and slipped into my TOMS, pushing my phone into my back pocket. I grabbed my keys and ran out to my car. When I got to his flat, I parked my car. Knocking on the door, I stood and waited.

After about five minutes, I just walked in like I normally do.

It was silent.

"Luke?" I called out.

There was a sudden creak at the end of the hallway, and I heard Luke moan. I quickly ran back there, thinking he had gotten hurt, but when I opened the door he wasn't laying on the floor, clutching a body part like I had expected.

No, he was hovering over a girl, but not just any girl, his EX girlfriend. Lanah. (Law-nuh).

His head whipped to where I stood. His mouth hung open.

"Tanni? Tanni, no! No no! Tanni this-"

I turned and ran out of the room. Tears streaming down my face. I could hear him screaming my name, struggling to put boxers on, and Lanah saying I'm not worth it.

I grabbed the necklace the hung lightly on my chest, ripping it off me, breaking the chain. He had gotten this for me on our one year anniversary.

Two weeks ago.

"Tanni wait! Please!" I felt him grab my wrist.

"Let go of me, Luke." I said, trying to stay as calm as possible.

"No, Tanni. I love you."

I ripped my hand away from him, throwing the necklace is his face, no longer able to keep calm.

"FUCK OFF LUKE! You say you love me then you go and leave me? For your ex girlfriend?!" I screamed.

"I never left you, Tanner!" He threw his hands up in the air.

"You JUST cheated on me! Luke, that's basically leaving me because we're done! You know how I am and you know that I'm broken and now you've done it!" I screamed at him.

"I'm done with you! We're through, Luke. I fucking hate you!" I screamed and stormed out of his flat.


I haven't seen Luke for a tear and a half now, but I'm totally fine with that. I know he got famous with his band, and I know he forgot about me. I just like did him, sorta. But I found a new guy who makes me happy.

His name, is Andy Biersack.


This is just the beginning.

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