Ten X Introductions

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Listen to the music for a better experience~
>or not I don't control you...<

I walk with Ayaka down the hall to our lockers talking to each other the whole time. She rambles on about how cute the next teacher is and how much fun we'd have in the same class. Our schedules are completely identical and I find it to be very ironic.

Ayaka opens the door and pauses in front of it.

"Hey, are you going in..." My voice trails off.

Over her shoulder, I can see how vast the room was. It was quite extra for just a classroom. Actually, it didn't look like a classroom at all! There were a total of seven students in the room plus us making nine.

 Actually, it didn't look like a classroom at all! There were a total of seven students in the room plus us making nine

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The bell rang and a man signaled us to pay attention to him. Our group wasn't a rowdy bunch. They mostly kept to themselves. Ayaka and I sit down next to each other on the couch in the middle of the room.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Tanaki," says the long-haired emo-looking man. "I'll be your teacher in Nen training. This is also considered your homeroom and you'll spend 3 hours a day here.

"How about we start with introducing ourselves to each other. I went first, how about we start with you," Mr. Tanaki says nodding his head to the girl leaning on the wall. "Say your name, likes, and dislikes, and what you would like to learn here."

Mr. Tanaki wore all black and had a tattoo of a bird on his right arm. Maybe it was my imagination, but the bird looked dead. His hair was jet black and really long for a guy. I want his hair products.

The girl straightens her posture and looks at him.

"My name is Aiko Ito. I like winning, I hate cheating, and I want to learn more strategies for winning."

Aiko was of average height with black hair and dark brown eyes. She wore a fingerless glove on her right hand and her nails were painted black. When she finished talking, she leaned back on the wall.

"Next." Mr. Tanaki nods his head to the next person.

"My name is Shiro Endo. I like soccer and manga but I dislike homework. I would like to learn how to add Nen to objects."

Shiro was a lanky figure with grey hair, grey eyes and his face was freckled. He wore a long yellow shirt and a black ring on his left hand, middle finger.

The chain continues.

"I'm Daku Nakano. I like black and dislike the beach. My goal here is to find and kill my sister who killed our parents.

Daku wore black like Mr. Tanaki. Actually, he looked like a mini version of him just shorter hair.

Wait for the next round of music

"Um, talk about an avenger..." Next was Ayaka who sat beside me. Meaning I was next. What was I going to say?!

"Hello everyone! My name is Ayaka Yagi. I like to bake and the debate club. I don't really dislike anything. I just like it when people smile. I would like to learn as much as this school has to offer and get to know all of you better."

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