Chapter 4- A new school

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*Alexei's POV* 

The alarm clock began beeping extremely loud in my ear promptly at 7 am. I groaned loudly as I hit the snooze button and rolled over, not feeling ready to leave the warm nest i created for myself with pillows and blankets. 

'It's time to get up Alexei' Andrews mindlink pipped up in my thoughts. 

I groaned again and removed the covers from my face. Andrew was known as an 'early bird' and I was not so much one. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes, the sun just barely peeking through the curtains, birds chirping in the trees. 

"It's your own fault for staying up so late" Andrews voice could be heard from the bathroom. "Cassius has bad sleeping habits and ya'll playing video games till god knows when is why you're so tired" 

"Hey I don't criticize you for your bad habits" I stated loudly as i ripped the blankets away, leaving the warmth of my bed. I then paraded through my closet, figuring out what I was going to wear. I finally chose some dark distressed skinny jeans, a black and white yin yang shirt and a black choker with a small red crescent moon pendant. Feeling pleased with my outfit I walked out of my closet and entered the bathroom, brushing out the bed head and finally grabbing my signature red vans by my bed and headed down stairs. 

The smell of pancakes hit my nose as I walked down the stairs that made my mouth water. I waltz into the kitchen to see James setting down a large bowl full of mini pancakes, on another plate was full of bacon, and even another filled with fried eggs. My mouth watered as I sat down at our island on a bar "You always make the best breakfast" I said as he silently handed me a plate and cracked a wide smile at me. I got my fill of bacon, eggs, and mini pancakes while Andrew and Cassius came and sat next to me, joining us for breakfast. 

"So how did you sleep?" Cassius teased as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. 

James handed me a cup of freshly brewed coffee and I shot Cassius a look as I sipped on said coffee. "You can kindly fuck off" I said in the most polite and happy tone which caused everyone in the room to chuckle. 

"Lets leave this language at home and not at school okay?" James said through a smirk.

I nodded and promptly finished my breakfast and coffee. "Will do dad" I said as I began to clean my plate. "Have a good day at work" I stated and gave James a hug. 

"Will do kiddo, you do well today" He whispered in my ear as he returned the hug before cleaning up the kitchen and getting ready for his day. 

I went and gathered my bag and grabbed my keys that hung up by the door and soon Andrew popped behind me. "You ready?" He said, a little hint of mischievous tone. 

"Wanna race?" I whispered as we walked out the door. 

He didn't respond, just gave me a look and slipped his helmet on. 

I quickly followed, strapping on my helmet and revved the engine on my motorcycle. Then seconds away we were off


I happily won that race between Andrew and I and he was not a fan of me when we both drove into the parking lot. I took off my helmet and ran my fingers through my hair when i parked and turned a flashy smile at Andrew when he pulled into the spot next to mine. 

"You're such a cheater" He muttered, but a smirk cracked at the corner of his mouth. 

I tossed my hair behind me and chuckled. "Not my fault you dont know how to drive" 

As we shot light insults back and forth I smelled a familiar scent of ocean and pine and turned to see Augustus leaning against his car, smiling at me. I looked to Andrew and nodded to him before walking over to Augustus. "What are you doing here?" I asked. 

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