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"Oof-" Natsuo let the sound slip from his mouth as he crashed to his bed. Y/n stood over him laughing with a broad smile gracing her slightly glossy lips. In her hands she held a fluffy pillow fresh from its plastic cage.

"That's what you get for peeking!" Y/n said with a smile, her words held false anger and they both knew that as she hit his chest once again with her pillow.

Natsuo laughed and shielded himself from her weapon, letting quiet screams of fake terror out as she hit him, eventually tossing the pillow on his face. "And I'm the cute one." she said under her breath once she got a good view of Natsuo's flushed pink face.

He grabbed the pillow and hugged it in his arms as Y/n flopped down next to him on the bed. They both laid there for a moment or two, catching their breath before Natsuo sat up. He smiled down at Y/n who returned it happily, but that was before he tossed the pillow onto her face causing a short laugh to escape her.

While Y/n laid on his bed, Natsuo got up and sat at his desk so he could finish what homework he had left. Behind him, Y/n had rolled over on her stomach, getting herself situated so she was facing Natsuo's back.

"Are you really doing your homework?" she asked, while they had been in the car he had said something about finishing his work but the way he said it made Y/n think he was joking.

Natsuo swiveled around in his spiny chair, pencil already placed behind his ear. "I honestly rather not but don't you want me to have an education?" he said, tilting his head to the side.

Y/n thought on it for a bit then hummed to prolong the wait for her answer. "You know what, you're right. One of us should have an education that they aren't a natural at." she shot Natsuo a smirk and he shook his head, a small smile spreading on his lips.

"I'd say fuck you but you'd enjoy that too much." Y/n dissolved into mess of giggles, Natsuo joined and watched her with a peaceful expression as his heart skipped a beat.

They eventually fell into a comfortable silence after talking for a minute or two. Y/n was on her phone doing whatever while Natsuo was studying and doing his homework, college fucking sucks if you know what I mean.

"Do you know how to do cpr?" Y/n asked suddenly and without skipping a single fucking beat, Natsuo said,

"No, but I can practice on you.".

A couple airy chuckles escaped Y/n and she plopped her head on the pillow beneath her. Natsuo could tell she was at least blushing a little due to her pink ears, he had turned around to get a good look at how his amazingly delivered line effected his gal pal.

And apparently, it was quite the success.

"You're stupid." her muffled voice reached Natsuo making him smile before he got back to work.

Y/n on the other hand, stayed with her face buried in her pillow, mind filled with thoughts and concerned sighs. "When should I bring up what I found? Now? But I feel like he's so happy, I don't wanna bum him out.".

She soon put her foot down metaphorically, deciding to just out and say it when he finishes his homework.

"He wants to know what happened to his brother. Even if that means death or that he's still alive, Natsuo just needs the 100% true story of what happened to Touya.". The image of the two boys getting out the big black car with a man in a suit flashed in Y/n's mind.

"I only just started but it feels like I have a huge lead." she wondered that if Touya and the child she supposed was Hawks were close enough for the blond to visit the Todoroki's, then he had to of talked to the younger siblings.

She glanced up, looking at the back of Natsuo's chair. Y/n sat up and grabbed her bag, grabbing out her laptop and settling it on the bed with her. She reviewed the small amount of information she'd gotten from just that one day, rereading the bullet points she had slapped out while at the office.

Instead of the spread out points, she arranged them in a much nicer paragraph from for optimal appeal. Color coding the part about the different points like the suspicious fire with the unnamed boy, the unknown school Touya supposedly went to that was under government control, the picture of the boys, the lack of coverage on the whole large scale fire that seemed to scare multiple people.

Y/n was intrigued the more she recalled the events she already knew about.

Eventually she finished, looking over to Natsuo proved to be pointless as the boy was still working away.

Y/n sighed and went to a trust worthy search engine, typing in, 'covered up fire story', came up with few results but she took what she could. There was a short article that strayed from the main point, another that wasn't about the story she was looking for, the last was unavailable and blocked.

The images on the other hand....

She had to dig but what's life without a little dirt.

"Oh.." the small sound of surprise lifted from her lips before she could stop it, using a hand to cover her mouth not so much in surprise anymore but more so in interest. She had stumbled upon an image of a large and mostly metal building. Large black letters stating it's name, 'The academy of Future Heroes', with smaller letters beneath it. A sign stood in the bottom right of the frame, on it read a warning that the school was on private property and trespassers will be turned over to the government immediately.

Of course the writing got smaller and she couldn't read what the rest was but the fact that this school for future heroes came up with covered up fires was suspicious. She scrolled down the academies tab where images that were related to it sat waiting.

One of which was frightening.

The academy set ablaze by a brilliant blue flame. Her heart sank for the lives that could or were lost but then quickly remembered the boy/probably Touya.

"What was Touya's quirk?" Y/n asked herself mentally, remembering her sticky note. She decided to jot any questions she had down on her document, just to make sure she had everything available and easy to get to.

Though, a sudden question made her jump from her thoughts. "What's that?".


a/n: :) is the story good so far? no? got it. ;(

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