◇ SIX □

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A/n: Haha bitch


"K-kacchan isn't a pu-" Izuku stumbled on his words but Shoto cut him off.

"Oh, but he is." Shoto said, a small and seemingly dead smile danced on his lips as he looked forward.

Y/n and Natsuo were leaning on each other for support as they laughed, more so laughing at themselves at this point.

They all continued to walk down the streets of Japan, heading to who knows where at this rate. "I believe we took a wrong turn somewhere." Shoto commented to no one in particular.

"Yeah, probably." Y/n said and she smiled at the boys, "I honestly have no clue where we are."

"I only really know how to navigate around my university so I'm completely lost." Natsuo said, holding his hands up to signal just how useless he currently was.

"I think if we turn here, there should be a ramen shop down the street which would mean we're only a couple streets from the mall." Izuku said, mumbling almost to himself so quietly Y/n had to fill Natsuo in on what he had said.

"If there's a ramen shop nearby we should stop and eat. I'm getting kinda hungry anyways." Natsuo said, and the group collectively agreed with Shoto asking if they had soba.

"Alrighty then! I'll be back with your drinks shortly." the waiter cheerfully said as he backed away and left, leaving the group of four at their table.

"This place has great soba, correct?" Shoto asked, his focus purely set on Izuku as he answered.

"Um, I'm not sure Todoroki!" Izuku squeaked out, a finger coming up to scratch his cheek.

"I bet it's great." Natsuo said, a large smile playing on his lips as he looked to his brother from across the table. The two older teens are sitting on one side as the younger counterparts sat on the other side.

Shoto sighed and longingly looked over to the kitchen part of the restaurant. There was a small area of the wall that was removed so customers could watch the chef's cook.

"How much do you love soba on a scale of your fire quirk to your ice quirk?" Izuku asked and Y/n flung her hand up to cover her mouth, trying to stop the obnoxious laughter bubbling up within.

Natsuo chuckled and Shoto answered quickly with an 100% ice quirk rating.

"Sooo what you're getting at is, blueberries aren't blue?" Y/n asked, her lips turned up in an amused smile as Natsuo nodded.

"They're literally green on the inside and if you peel them or whatever they're purple!" Natsuo explained passionately.

"What have you been doing in university?" Shoto all but whispered as Natsuo continued.

"I don't think they're just blue. Also, aren't strawberries not berries? What is wrong with whoever named these fruits?!" Natsuo asked, Y/n was looking at him with a smile.

Izuku was quietly sipping his drink and nodding as Natsuo spoke, soaking in everything he said. Shoto was slurping up his cold soba happily, the others couldn't see but his feet were swinging slightly.

"Are you done or do you wanna talk about the how bananas are berries?" Y/n asked, a small smirk on her face that contoured into an amused smile when she saw Natsuo gawked at her.

"Bananas are what?!" he asked and Y/n lost it, she was laughing as Izuku explained that bananas are in fact, a berry.

"Why are fruits so confusing?" Natsuo asked and Izuku chuckled. Y/n was now sipping on her own drink when Natsuo spoke up again. "Does anyone else have something to share about fruits?"

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