12: It's a....

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Well, that day 2 months ago, Makalah stopped me from getting an abortion. I'm glad she did. It saved our family...Makalah saved us. Now I'm 20 weeks (5 months) along.

"Goodmorning babe." I smile as Safaree hugs me and rubs my stomach. "Is the baby in there?" He kissed my stomach. "Yep. But I don't feel so good." I say, frowning at him. He kissed my neck over and over. "How about now?"

"Leave me alone." I pushed him off and walked out of the room. "Your mood swings are insane." He chuckled. "Your hair looks ugly!" Avery yells from downstairs. "You're ugly!" Ava snaps back. I went down there to see what was happening.

"We look exactly the same, stupid!"

"MOOOOOOM!" They both yelled. Not in a happy way, like they were glad to see me. They were mad and ready to tell on each other.

"I have an idea. Lets play a game. Whoever stays quiet the longest gets a dollar." I say, with no emotion in my voice, plopping down on he couch. Ava crossed her arms over her chest. "Okay, 10 bucks."

Avery smiled. "Deal. Startinggggggg....Now!"

Makalah snorted, staring at her phone screen. I hadn't noticed she was there until now. "Mommy-" Ava began. "Haha, I win! That was easy!" Avery jumped. "You're not getting any money." I say. "But you said-"

"I changed my mind. Go get ready, please. Both of you." I instructed, and they ran upstairs.

"You too." I patted Makalah's thigh. She rose and smiled at me. "What?" I laugh. "Nothing. I love you, mom."

I looked confused. "Love you too babe."

She ran upstairs and I turned the TV on. "Momma..." August climbed up on the couch and sat on my lap. "Goodmorning." I ran my fingers through his unbrushed hair.

Next came Alex. He came in with a glass of orange juice. "Be careful." I warned him, because he has a habit of spilling things. "This is for you." He sat it on a coaster on the coffee table in front of us.

"Awe thanks."

The moment was ruined by August. "August you stink." Alex said and pinched his nose. "Safaree!!!" I yelled, weakly. "Yes?" He came downstairs. "Can you change Augie's diaper pretty please?" I pushed my lip out like a baby.

"Why can't you?" He whines. I sighed. "Because, Safaree, I have a baby in my stomach waiting to rip right on through my va-"

"Okay, okay! I'll do it." He sighs, throwing August over his shoulder. I laughed because he hates that word. August screamed and laughed. Safaree carried him upstairs.

"Rip through what?" Alex looks at me confused. "Nothing."


I had fell asleep after coming upstairs. But my dad opened the door and began singing really loud. "I GOT SUNSHIIIIIINNNE.......ON A CLOOOOOUUDY DAAY!!!!.....WHEN IT'S COLD OUTSIIIIIDE, I GOT-"

"Daaaad I'm trying to sleep!....and it doesn't get cold in LA!" I yelled over him, coving my head with a pillow. "I know!"

He picked me up out of bed and put me over his shoulder. "Daaaad!!!"

He brought me to my dresser and sat me in front of it. "Get ready." He says, in a girl voice. I couldn't help but laugh at his mom impression. He left and closed the door. "Oh and," he opened it again, popping his head inside, "do something with all that hair, too. Kay thanks!" He left again.

I started cracking up. His impressions of my mother are spot on. I got dressed in a black skirt and plaid long sleeve crew neck shirt. I put on black tights under my skirt, and black combat boots on my feet.

"You look cute." My mom walked in. "Thanks." I held a bobby pin in the corner of my lips while I adjusted my hair.

She took the bobby pin and but it in the perfect spot in my hair. I smiled. She looked at me through the mirror. "Are you ready to go?" She asks.

We're going to the doctor to see her baby, and find out if it's a girl or a boy. "Yea."

We went downstairs where everyone was ready.

"Me and Ava are sitting in the seats closest to the front." Avery told me, as she opened the van door. "Um... No." I said, pushing past her. Mom got in the passengers seat, so I guess Dad is driving.

When we got to the doctors office, I was in charge of the little kids. Which I didn't think was fair, considering there's 4 of them.

"Mrs. Samuels?" The doctor called her. We all stood up and followed the doctor. "Wow, big family. Are they all yours?" The nurse asks.

"All of them except 2. But that doesn't matter because we're a family." Mom laughed, like it was a joke. I can't believe she just told all our business like that.

Ava and Avery smiled at each other, and looked at August.

Alex looked at me like he did something wrong. "That's us." He whispered, and I nodded. "It makes us different. And that's a good thing." I made sure mom didn't hear us.

I looked up and they were already getting started. "Look kids...there's your..." My dad began.

"Brother." The nurse confirmed, waiting for our reaction.

"It's a boy? Gross!" Ava says, and I hit her. "That's rude." I say. "It's a boy!" Mom smiled and dad kissed her.

When we left, mom kept looking at me and Alex in the mirror. I guess she sensed our anger in what happened earlier with the nurse's question.

"Makalah, do you have an idea for a first name?" She asked.

I thought she'd never ask. I picked out the perfect name a week after she told us she was pregnant. "Okay what about this: Mason Samuels." I say. "Aww that's cute. And now you won't be the only one with the M in your name." She said, and I smiled. "What do you think Safaree?" She asks.

"I love it. Alex you can pick the middle name if you want."


Mom laughed. "I kinda like it.... Mason Alexander Samuels."

Dad took mom's hand and smiled. "It's perfect."


What do you think??

Y'all are gonna hate me for what I do next

Sequel to T.T.W.C.L (ONIKAFAREE)Where stories live. Discover now