The Sacrificial killer

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T​he first night of summer vacation should be filled with bliss and relaxation however for austin that couldn't be anything but. Once Austin fell asleep he began to hear voices coming from his window or at least that's what he thought. "Somebody's watching you Austin, he's coming for you." Austin began to hear. He thens wakes up in a mysterious field near a house where he begins to hear the voices again. "he's coming for you Austin. He's after you and your friends." The voices said as Austin began walking closer towards the house. Just then the voices grew louder and louder, "I will make you pay Austin." That voice made Austin feel as if he wasn't alone in the field near the house, "Hello? Hello? Whose there?" Austin said terrified that someone was in the field with him and he didn't know who. "Hello is anyone there?" Austin asked before hearing the mysterious voice once more. "I'm coming for you Austin one way or another." Just then a mysterious figure appeared right behind Austin and nearly chokes him out.

H​owever, Austin wakes up drenched in sweat & screams in terror so oud that his sister Clare comes rushing towards his room. "Austin are you all right what happened?" Clare said trying to calm her brother down. Austin tried to tell her that he started hearing voices, but then he started to breakdown and said he couldn't breathe. "Hey listen to me you just had a nightmare about something and if you want I'll help you figure it out in the morning okay"? Clare's word were very kind and calming towards her older brother. "If you need me i'm right down the hall okay?" Clare told Austin before going back to her room to go back to sleep. Austin hen tried to brush off the dream before turning onto his left side as the figure appears once more. This time the figure appears on the right side of Austin's bed, "I believe you Austin & I intend to end your suffering". Once the figure had said that Austin's face was stitched in fear across his face as the figure drew his weapon and nearly sliced Austin in half. However, Austin woke up in terror once again drenched in sweat. He then gets out of bed and brushes the warnings off before getting ready for his first day on the job at the local pool.

"​Hey are you okay because you were screaming in your sleep last night?" Clare said as she walked by wearing her swimsuit. "Yeah, it was" Austin started to say befoere noticing his sister's suit, "Oh wow, um where did you get that?" Austin said concerned about his sister's suit. "Rosaline and I went shopping and I got this two piece swimsuit on sale now come on Rosaline and Matteo are waiting for us." Clare said to her brother excitedly as she started texting with her girlfriend while her brother was getting ready. Just then Austin started hearing the voices once more, "He's coming for you Austin and your friends." Austin turns around terrified that the warnings are real, "Austin are you coming?" Clare yelled for her brother concerned. "Yeah, I'm coming" Austin said as he grabbed the last of his things before heading out of the house with his sister.

"​Hey did you get everything for your first day of work?" Clare said curiously towards her brother. "Clare we live Clindale during what is to be the hottest summer of the year in New York." Austin told his sister. "So yes I have everything that I need, and I'm driving this time." Austin told his sister as they headed out the door. "Okay that was one time and I did get my license at the end of it." Clare stated as she left the house. Austin followed, but heard something strange before fully exiting the house. "He's after you Austin, trust no one." this warning was different from the others and left Austin feeling more uneasy than ever.

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L​ater that morning Austin arrived at the local pool with his sister who was still texting her girlfriend Rosaline. "So you and Rosaline are getting pretty serious huh?" Austin smuggly asked Clare before they pulled up to the entrance. "Yeah, we've been planning things for the entire summer before we both go to college." Clare told her brother while still texting with Rosaline. "All right well I'll give you guys a ride after my shift okay?" Ausitn confirmed with his sister before heading into the office to start his shift. Once Austin clocked into his shift he started hearing the voices once again "He's coming for you Austin." Just then Austin's supervisor then appeared and snapped Austin out of his daze. "Austin.....Austin!" Austin's supervisor said and Austin quickly snapped out of his daze to talk with his supervisor.

The Sacrifical Killer: The Voices Where stories live. Discover now