Chapter 3

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It was really him. I finally have my sweet and yet still innocent Boruto back with me. Where he should've been from the start, sadly my parents had to ruin that for us. I felt my blood boil a little just thinking about them, I would never forgive them for taking Boruto away from me. Hurting him mentally than he's ever have before, but finally he's back with me.

I was in the kitchen trying to find the head chef. She should be here somewhere, if not I'll fire her and hire a new chef.

I heard a crash coming from the fridge on the left. Heading there I see no other than the head chef, Gisele.

"What are you doing" I asked glaring at her for seeming to be goofing off. She quickly gets up off the ground and started fixing her appearance up. She then sighed and grabbed her hat off the ground, dusting it off and put it back on her head lazily.

"S-sorry sir! I was just trying to make something for Boruto!" She said as she started flailing her arms around nervously. "Why is she making something for Boruto?" I thought questionably. Again I look at her but with a colder glare. She seemed to shiver, bow, and went back to making something.

"Did she like Boruto? Is that why she was making something for him?" That thought just made my blood boil even more. Breathing in and out I'll have to ask her later today before she gets off work.

I head back out seeing Boruto was gone from his original spot. Sighing stressfully I wanted to see him again before I started my paper work, but I guess not. I walk upstairs and down the hallway to my office, if I finish early I might get to see Boruto before he goes home.

Either I'm lost or I'm lost because everything looks the same! Even all the rooms I've seen look the same! I heard my stomach growl I mean I only did eat instant ramen today. Cursing at myself for forgetting to eat, maybe if I find the kitchen.

I felt someone behind me. It was a tall and gloomy presence, it couldn't be the old butler or Mitsuki. Slowly I turned around looking up I see a handsome dude. "Wow." I thought feeling my cheeks get a little hotter. The man in front of me waved his hands in front of my face. Having a worried and questionable expression on. Shaking my head I chuckle at how I randomly dozed off.

"Are you looking for something or are you lost ma'am?" He said. Uh did he just call me ma'am? I mean I was wearing a maid outfit instead of a butler outfit. He looked to be wearing a chef uniform indicating he worked here as a chef. "Perfect!" I thought excitedly and I guess my stomach growled with me.

Remembering that the guy was there my cheeks became even warmer. I just embarrassed myself in front of him again.

I heard a laugh coming from him. I automatically pouted knowing he was laughing at how embarrassing I was. He bowed in front of me and said to follow him, of course I happily did feeling strangely comfortable with the guy.
We finally got to the kitchen. Remembering Mitsuki went into this room earlier now knowing what he was doing then. While I was getting lost in my own thoughts there was a plate of fried rice placed in front of me. Looking at it, it looked really good and smelled good too. I felt my mouth water.

He laughed once again "you can start eating you know" he said happily. I immediately grabbed a spoon and started eating it. My face lit up from how good it was, since I've only had instant food and bento after I moved out of the house 4 months ago.

Next thing I knew I finished the whole plate feeling stuffed too.

"That was really good! Better yet delicious!" I say smiling brightly. "Thank you ma'am" he said again sounding like he's never been told that before. I skeptically look at him for a second and then remember I had to tell him a was a boy.

"I'm a boy" way to be straight forward and rude Boruto! I mentally slap myself from me already having a bad impression with this guy.

"I know" he said.

I felt my face heat up "y-you knew!?" I asked trying to sound angry, but I was just straight out embarrassed. "Then why didn't you call me sir!?" I said pouting once again. "Ma'am seemed more fitting for you. With the outfit and all" I felt my eyes widen forgetting I was wearing it.

"So what's your name?" He asked me.

"My name is Boruto Uzumaki" i answered his question true fully.

"Cute" he says. I stand up and walk next to him, and playfully punch his arm. "OuCh!" He said in a mocking voice "hey!" I said slightly offended, but none the less we both laughed.

"What's your name?" I ask him after we finished our laugh.

"The names Shina Iwama" he said with is cheeks slowly turning pink. Ah he's embarrassed of his name maybe because it sounds like a girls name?

"That's a handsome name" I say proudly.

We both laugh together once again, enjoying our time together. Not noticing both our shifts were almost over soon.
I looked at my watch and saw it was the end of my shift, "well my shifts over" I say starting to head to the changing room. "Same here" he says following behind me, I'm so glad he told me where everything is.

Once we got there we both changed quickly still talking about random things. When we were done we both walked out and headed for the door.

"SHINAAAAA!!" I heard a girl say. I turn around to see "Gisele!?" I say surprised, she grabs Shina's arm pulling him to the kitchen "wait for him ok Boruto!" Gisele says. Sighing I waited at the front for Shina to come back, since we're hanging out tonight.

I felt someone next to me looking to my side I see Mitsuki. I yelp surprised to see him since he was nowhere to be seen for the whole day.

"Who are you waiting for Boruto?" He asked me curiously. "Oh Mitsuki! I'm waiting for Shina" I say cheerfully, "Boruto let's go!" I heard Shina say coming out of the kitchen. I smile brightly and say goodbye to Mitsuki as me and Shina went to the park near here.

I already knew he was going to o be my best friend and that this was going to be an adventure.

Heyyy here's the requested chapter!

Also Iwama is my Japanese last name from my grandparents.

Bye peeps!

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