Chapter 4

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It was currently near Halloween day which means it's time for a Halloween party soon. More of a ball than a party to be exact, but who cares.

I had to make many preparations for this to happen by next week.

I call for a meeting on my speaker wanting all my helpers to come.
After a few minutes they were here all sitting at the long oak table. Seeing as everybody was confused and talking with in another, waiting until I speak probably.

I honestly didn't mind nor did I care. Until I turned my head to see Boruto giggling with one of my cooks. I decided to yell out of frustration "ok everyone listen up!" Slamming my hands onto the table harshly which caused a loud noise to erupt in the room. Shutting everyone up and scaring them a little.

"We have to prepare for a ball that's happening next week" I say sternly. Many of them started whispering again but with more confusion and anger in their voices.

"Everyone start preparing for the Halloween ball now!" I yell angrily. All of them quickly getting up and rushing out of the room in a crowd of incoherent murmurs.

I guess Boruto left again with that chef from before. Just thinking about it pissed me off and threw me over the edge.

I see one of my other chefs with their head on the table, who looked to be sleeping. Rubbing my temples I sigh out some frustration, I should just fucking fire her now.

Walking up to her I slam my hands right next to her head. Causing her to quickly bring it up and look around with a confused face. When she faced me she yelped jumping out of her chair.

"What's your name chef?" I ask impatiently, maybe she knows those two's relationship.

"The names Gisele sir" she says standing up and start fidgeting around.

"Do you know the relationship between that chef and Boruto" I more demand than ask. She looks at me confused for a few seconds, then turned into a surprised look.

"Well sir they're best friends!" She exclaimed happily.

"Just get the hell out!" I yell pointing to the door out.

"Whatever- I mean yes sir!" She says and runs out of the room.

I sigh knowing this was going to be a long and stressful week. I need some coffee from my favorite maid, Boruto.

So I call him in asking for some black coffee with another cup of ice tea.
A few minutes later he came in the room with my drinks. He quickly walked to me and before I could speak he says "here you go sir!" As he put them down on the table.

He turned starting to speed walk out. "Where are you going?" I ask confused on why he wanted to leave so fast.

"Uh I'm helping the chefs in the kitchen for the ball!" He exclaimed again starting to run for the door.

"But hey are you in such a hurry" I demand wanting to know the answer. He turned to me once again fidgeting around nervously. "W-well I really like talking to Nico and.." I interrupt him, "what" I ask thinking I didn't hear him right the first time.

"I think I really like him I mean..." his cheeks turned bright red as he started to sweat. I felt the anger inside of me starting to feel my blood boil hotter by the second.

He then ran out after saying goodbye.

Sighing again I feel a heavy weigh of stress fall on my shoulders. Quickly wanting the feeling to go away I started on work.

"I can't believe you said that in front of him!?"I yelled at myself along with a mental slap to the face.

Out of all things I say, I say something completely opposite of my feelings. Maybe he asked because he was jealous? No he was probably concerned about me like always.

I make it to the kitchen and open the door, only to be hit by many different smells at once.

I looked around to see that Nico and Gisele were busy cooking along with the other chefs.

I decided to leave them alone so they could finish their work. I mean I would just distract them like always.

Maybe I could look around? Nah too lazy to walk. Hang out with Mitsuki? No that would be a bad idea, he's busy and I embarrassed myself in front of him.

Ah! I got it! I'll hang out with the dog outside in the garden! It's very cute and friendly, his name is Luke.( my dogs name ;-;)

I walk outside and into the garden, seeing Luke playing with a squeaky bone toy.

I giggle a little at how he can't find the squeak in it. So I decided to help him out, just to make it easier for him.
It had been a few hours and Luke was already asleep in his dog house.

I get up quietly not trying to wake him up.

I get inside the mansion to see everyone was still working and scrambling everywhere.

"Boruto!" A voice yelled, I turned to the source to see Gisele waving at me to come over. I nod and walk up to her as fast as I could seeing as she was in a hurry.

"Yea?" I asked, as she pulled me into the kitchen.

"I need you to taste test these food for me!" She says enthusiastically.

Nodding once again I grab a spoon and start tasting everything one by one.
I was full to the point I was knocked out cold.

I started panicking because I gave Boruto too much food. Resulting in him getting knocked out cold from being too full.

"I'm so dead..." I sighed, when I was about to turn around I feel an evil aura in back of me.

I gulp and slowly turn around to be face to face with Mitsuki. I quickly ran out of there as fast as I could, knowing I was either going to get fired or be dead.
I was walking to the kitchen since one of the maids told me Gisele and Boruto were still there.

I walk into the kitchen only to see Gisele panicking and a sleeping Boruto. I feel my blood boil wanting to know what happened to my Boruto.

I think she felt my deadly aura because she slowly turned around, looked at me, then ran away.

Sighing of how she was even hired here or how she was one of our best chefs.

I walk up to the sleeping boys body, and pick him up.

I take him up to my room and put him on my bed. He looked so calm while sleeping he's also an adorable sleeper.

I go to my bathroom to get ready for bed.
After I was done I changed Boruto into my shirt.

I pulled him close to me in bed and fell asleep with the love of my life in my arms.

My little maid (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now