Death Spiral Smackdown

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I am so glad that my days in gym are over. I somehow managed to get by gym without having a dodgeball being thrown at my face. So when I found out fro Bree that Adam and Leo had to face Fitness Challege Week, I cringed and told them 'Good luck with that'.

When I got to my locker to get my books Chase met with me and offered to walk me home.

"So what's new?" He asked as we walked down the side-walk.

"My dad's out of town again so it's just me holding down the fort until he comes home. When? I don't know."

"That sucks. Why don't you spend the night over with us? I'm sure Bree would love another girl around the house."

"Why would I love another girl around?" Bree asked as she caught up with us.

"My dad's out of town on buisness and I'm home alone. Chase asked me if I wanted to sleepover."

Bree squealed and my eardrums almost burst "That would be awesome! We can do our nails! Oh and we can talk about all the cute guys in school! This is going to be so much fun!"

"Hey!" Chase exclaimed while pulling me closer to him "There will be no talk of how cute guys are!" I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"You're cute when your jealous."

"I am not jealous."


"Yeah sure you're not." Bree said and we giggled as we walking in front of Chase.

"Well I'm not."

"Babe, keep telling yourself that." I yelled over my shoulder and smiled as Bree pulled me along.

The next morning Leo was getting his breakfast. I was sitting in between Bree and Chase. It was weird, just a couple of minutes ago both siblings were fighting over who would sit next to me. Why it was weird? Because A) no one ever fought over me and B) they literally fought over who would sit by me. And I mean they used they're bionics.

"After school today is the big Death Spiral Smackdown. Me and Adam are going to unleash the fury! You guys gonna come watch?" Leo asked.

"We'd love to but we're gonna go to the mall and check out the new esculator. I finally mastered the art of stepping off without tripping."

"Oh, um, were we suppose to do that today? Shoot, I, I can't make it. I have a really big test I need to study for." Bree said and I knew she was lying but I didn't say anything.

"What? Okay fine. I just hope those old ladies are there again to clap for me." Chase replied.

I pinched his arm "Hey! What about me?"

He smile sheepishly and kissed the bridge of my nose "You're better than Bree anyway." Chase whispered.

Leo started opening a jar full of something "Never had this cereal before." Leo opened his mouth but Bree stopped him just in time.

"No Leo! Those are power pellets."

"I don't care what they're called as long as they make my milk chocolaty."

"No." Chase cut in "They're bite sized pieces of adrenaline that activate our bionics."

"Yeah, but, we don't eat them anymore 'cause we learned how to activate them ourselves."

"They taste like dog treats without the livery after taste." I cringed. I can't imagine eating something so horrid. I looked at him like was nuts. Chase saw my reaction to his statement "I'm guessing."

"Well, I guess I'll just eat these." Leo said pulling out a box of cereal.

Chase held his hands out to stop him and gasped "Careful, Leo, those are Powdered Sugar Cookie Donut O's." he said and gave him a sideways look "Studies have shown these slow down your brain activity."

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