Leo's Jam

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AN: And here we go...

As I walked into school one morning I noticed a bunch of flyer's hanging around school. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Great another school dance that I won't have a date to. Though I wonder if I can hint to Chase that I would want him to take me. I walked over to the guys as Leo was talking to them. Chase noticed me and smiled. Of course I smiled back. God is he cute.

"Guys, with the dance coming up I thought you could use a lesson on how to ask a lady out." Leo said.

Oh good lord. Here we go.

Oh great! Do you know a guy who could teach us?" Adam asked.

"Me." Leo replied "You're gonna watch me ask out the girl of my dreams, Danielle."

Walked over to Chase and watched Leo drool over the blond sitting on the bench a dew feet away from us.

"Danielle? Isn't she the girl who uses you as a foot stool in math class?" Chase asked.

Leo shrugged his shoulders "Where else is she suppose to put her feet? On the floor? Open your notebooks boys cause class is in session."

Leo walked over to Danielle and we watched as Leo tried to flirt with her. Chase and I exchanged glances "Hello Danielle. Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to the break the ice."

That was a lame conversation starter I thought.

"I'm Leo Dooley."

"Didn't you send me eighty seven e-mails?" Oh wow.

"Yeah, that was a slow day."

"Kay well," Danielle got her backpack and stood up "See ya later Lenny."

"It's Leo by the way." he said and waved goodbye.

I saw the smirk on Chase's face "So Leo, what should I write down in my notebook? I mean other than denied."

"Oh no, you can cheat off of me. I have 'She's not going to the dance with Lenny.'"

I rolled my eyes and lightly hit their arms "Don't be mean."

Bree walked over to us at that moment "Are you guys talking about the dance too? Why is everybody making such a big deal out of this stupid dance?"

"Nobody's asked you yet, have they?"

"No. I really want to go with that guy," she motioned to two guys who were talking "His name is Ethan. We sit next to each other in Chemistry. Coincidence? I think not. Chemistry!" I knew who he was because I also had a class with Ethan. The always dreadful Calculus. "What should I do?"

"I got this." Chase said and he did some weird thing to his ear "He's talking about a girl he thinks is cute. Ew, he's talking about you!" Chase said disgusted. Bree got excited and she turned to me. I smiled happily at her "He's coming over here right now to ask you to the dance!"

Lucky! I wish someone-cough-Chase-cough-would ask me to the dance.

"What?! No! Now? Why! Really?" Bree freaked out as Ethan walked up to her.

"How's it going?" Ethan asked.

"Hey Ethan." I waved and he waved back "Hey Katie!" he replied.

"Ethan!" I looked at Chase and tried to give the him a 'shut the hell up' look but he continued to be a brat "What a huge surprise! To see you here! For reason's we do not know!" I nudged Chase and he looked down at me. 'Stop it.' I mouthed.

"Hi Ethan!" Bree blurted out and my heart went out to her. She was such a mess. She started mumbling and tripping over her words and stuttering until she pointed to some random place "What is that over there?" When Ethan turned to look Bree sped off leaving the rest of us behind in a huge gust of wind.

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