Drone Alone

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So today started of as a normal.

I woke up, took a shower, got dressed. did my hair and make-up and texted my friend Cassidy all morning. My dad was still away on buisness and I had nothing do this weekend. I thought of calling Bree but I spend way to much time with them anyway...that is until Leo called me in a rush.

"Leo calm down. Now what happened?" I asked.

"Davenport left us home alone to go to Austrailia and all we did was go to sleep. Now Adam, Bree and Chase are all goofed up. Chase can only see pixel, Bree sped off somewhere and Adam can only talk backwards. I need your help pronto!" He begged and I agreed to help him out.

"Okay, okay, fine. But you so owe me for this Leo." I hung up and walked to the Davenports house as quickly as I could. Leo answered the door and sighed.

"Thank god you're here. I'm freaking out!"

When we got down to the lab Adam was trying to help Chase away from the window "Oh my. This is a problem. Davenport is going to kill you when he finds out."

"Katie? Katie is that you?" Chase asked and tried to navagate his way over to me.

I walked over and held is hand "Yes Chase. I'm right here." and I guided him all the way to the metal island in the middle of the lab so he could have something to lean on.

Suddenly this loud noise filled the room "What the heck is that?" Leo asked.

"Well it's either Davenport's radon gas alarm or it's his emergency phone. And being that none of us have passed out yet...it's his emergency phone!" Chase freaked out and I had to wrap my arms around his waist to clam him back down.

Adam went over to it and tried to answer but Leo stopped him and answered "Davenport Industries home of the little man's big dreams. Leo speaking, how may I help you?"

I didn't get to hear what the other person was saying but I heard everything Leo said. Some of it was quite funny actually. It went something like this:

"Nothing. Watching cartoons, eating cereal. Ya know, Saturday morning things."

Adam got excited "Cartoons! Watch wanna I!" Chase and I covered his mouth and shushed him to be quiet.

"Uh no it's the T.V. I'm watching Captain Backwards. He saves the day in the beginning and does all the boring stuff at the end. It's a terrible show. I don't know why I watch it." Leo explained. Chase and Adam were pushing against one another trying to listen in.

"Uh no. You know girls. She's knee deep in make-up and unicorns. What am I saying." Leo whispered the last part and I raised an eyebrow at his comment. Unicorns? Really?

"Oh! You mean the night light?" Leo unplugged the machine "No! No I did not. I should go. Tell my mommy I love her."

Suddenly I could hear Tasha yelling "Leo! We're coming home right now!"

We're doomed.

Leo hung up "They're coming home right now."

"What?" Adam exclaimed.

"Tell my mommy I love her?" Chase asked.

"I'm sorry. When I freak out I talk baby talk. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go upstairs to take a night night with my binky."

When Leo was gone I spoke up "We are so doomed."

"Why are you here anyway Katie? Not that I don't love seeing my girlfriend but as of this moment I can't."

"Leo called in a panic and asked me to come over and help you situation you got going on. Plus I had nothing better to do on a Saturday afternoon."

Lab Rats (A Bionic Love/Friendship Story)Where stories live. Discover now