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I wish we lived in a world where it was easier to die, or maybe harder to live. More immediate threats, stuff to fight, enemies to kill. I wish the world was more like Minecraft. From the second you spawn in the game you can start creating a life for yourself. You don't need anyone else, you can gather materials yourself, build a house yourself. Hungry? Make a farm! Tired? Kill a sheep! For as long as I've had the game I've wanted it to be the real world, but, I had different reasons. When I was younger, I didn't think that deeply into it. I had a dream of being the queen of the world in a big sandstone castle. I was six. There have been new updates, new things to explore. Now, I feel like it would be easier to live life as a character in a game. You don't need a job or responsibilities, you just fend for yourself.

At least, that's what I used to think. Now I'm here, everything is harder, everything is real.

It's been a week since I first spawned in. It was an average summer day, we played outside, swam in the pool, I even had a friend sleeping over. "Come on girls! It's getting dark, time to come in!" my mom yelled.

"What should we do now?" Ava asked as we walked through the door.

I replied, "I don't know...wanna play Minecraft! We could start a new hardcore survival world!"

"Sure!" She exclaimed. Our first mistake.

Our love of Minecraft rushed us down the stairs. I started up the Xbox for Ava to play on while I created a world on my phone. "No cheats?" I asked.

"Yep! Show cords?"

"Yep!" I replied. This simple exchange was more of a ritual we performed before starting every game. We always tried to beat the game on the same settings. No cheats so we could get achievements, and show cords so we could tell what y-level we were on while mining. I pressed "Create Game" and we began playing.

We had been playing for about twenty minutes when I started hearing a faint buzzing sound. I was almost done building our house and Ava was out mining. I dismissed the sound and kept playing. My second mistake. We played for around twenty more minutes when the sound began to be unbearable. I couldn't focus on the game so I finally spoke up, "do you hear a buzzing sound?"

Confused, she replies, "Yeah, I've been hearing it for a can hear it too?"

"Mhm," I nod my head, "what do you think i-"

I was cut off by the flash of a bright white light surrounding me and the buzzing sound growing louder until it was all I could hear. I couldn't move and I couldn't see anything other than white. The buzzing sound started pulsing, like a heartbeat. It sounded like it was trying to form words but I couldn't focus on it. Suddenly, I woke up.

"Kat! Kat are you okay?" someone asked me. Realizing that the person was Ava I quickly replied.

"Yeah, must've dozed off while we were playing, sorry."

"No!" She frantically stated, "I-we-you-AGH! Just, look!" Confused at why she was so worried I sat up and looked around, quickly realizing I was laying in a field, in the middle of nowhere.

"Ummm...where are we? And why was I sleeping in a field?" I slowly asked.

Suddenly another voice spoke up, "Come with me, we have a base set for all the new players. All of your questions will be answered there." He had a deep voice with a British accent.

I turned to match the voice to the face and was met with a tall brown-haired man starring back at me. "Who are you?" I asked.

Starting to walk away he said, "You can call me Wilbur. Now hurry and follow me." Ava and I began following without another word, not seeing any other choice. The walk was silent other than the occasional, "this way," from Wilbur. I didn't mind though, my mind was going crazy with questions. How did I get here? Where is "here?"  Should we really be following this stranger?  As I flooded my head with questions I couldn't help but take in the scenery. We were nearing the end of the field and were approaching a dense dark-oak forest. The sun was setting off to my left and the sky began glowing orange and red.

We were now walking through the forest, twisting and turning in seemingly random directions. Finally, we hit a wall of vines and Wilbur led us through to a large room. Compared to the dark forest outside it was glowing in here. A few people with worried looks walked around in this small room of stone behind the vines. In the corner of the room, there was a trapdoor with a ladder coming up through it.

"Go down there and find a place in the crowd. Someone will come on soon to explain what we think is going on and answer questions." Wilbur said. Ava began walking towards the trapdoor when I suddenly spoke up.

"Will we ever see you again?"

"Honestly, I don't know. There are a lot of people here to keep track of, but I certainly hope so."

Accepting his answer I followed Ava down the trapdoor, only to see that she had stopped halfway down the ladder. I was about to ask why she stopped when I noticed what she was looking at. We stood - hanging on to the ladder – above a room of what looked like thousands of people. Little did we know at the time that most of these people wouldn't make it our alive.

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