That's Me.

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Kiara woke up when the sunlight coming from the windows it was hurting her eyes. The sky looked like ten in the morning. Her skull was pounding and she felt dizzy.

She was unaware about her surroundings. Then her head flooded with last night's memories. Lenny's people had found her now she had to leave Cambridge.

Then she remembered the handsome young gentleman who had helped her to find haven for a night. If she left without seeing him it would not affect his life. He seemed tranquil and a person with normal lifestyle.

She was a little shocked when he agreed to help her you, don't meet people every day who are so generous.

She checked her jean pockets and found her phone. I have to get rid of this. She thought and went over to the window, opened it and threw the phone out.

After trying to settle her hair and failing miserably she went out hoping he would still be asleep or gone to his work. Unfortunately her luck was out, when she saw him shirtless cooking in the kitchen.

His back muscles were perfect and by the look of his back figure she was pretty sure he was jacked. After all he carried her to the bed last night. Yes, she was awake at that time. Okay so maybe not that unlucky. She thought.

He turned around and her guess was right he had fantastic abs. She was a little curious about the scars on his body. Was he beat up or something. She thought but pushed her curiosities aside when he put a sweatshirt over his body and walked towards her.

"Were you planning on leaving without telling me?" He asked.

"Maybe..." She said. "Why do you care?" She said throwing the ball in his court.

"Well you do owe me an explanation about last night." When she had lost the battle. He  smirked (which was so hot she almost lost her balance). Of course I had told him if he would give me a place to stay I would tell him everything. You had to open you big mouth and say that. She thought.

"Okay I will but first you have to make breakfast for me." She said gaining her confidence again.

"Fine" he said with a sigh.


Kiara was in her training room training for het next fight. She was a fighter in illegal MMA league in London. She was in that league for 4 years now.

There were rumours of the ring being bought by some other rich underworld businessman. She could care less she only worked for the money.

After about half an hour of her practice a guy came in the training room followed by two bodyguards.

"Hello you must be Kiara the best fighter John has, right." The guy said. He was shorter than her but intimidating. He had a bald head and was wearing a purple suit. How peculiar. She thought but didn't say anything.

He understood and continued "you see I have bought this ring now so that makes you my fighter and a month ago a person who is my fighter lost to you so, inorder to restore his dignity I would like for you to fight him again and loose."

Rigged matches were quite common in illegal rings but Kiara knew about the guy he was talking about. He had tried to act fresh with her in the ring so she had to teach him a lesson.

"Sorry sir I cannot do that, personal reasons." She replied with a fake smile.

"Fine then I have to fire you" he shrugged. "You have to play by my rules or not at all."

2 days later after loosing her job she planned to take revenge and robbed the Lenny guy. She was successful but was on the run from him for two months now and her money ran out that is
when she met Jonathan.


"The rest you know I met you, you brought me here blah blah blah." She ended her story. They both were sitting on the couch, she sat with her legs folded under her and he was sitting cross legged.

While Jonathan made breakfast for her, she took a shower. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she was wearing his red sweatshirt and faded blue jeans.

Jonathan was absolutely shocked, he had never met a mundane with this courage he had to ask.

"Why did you do all of this?"

She seemed deep in thought and then finally answered.

"When you don't have anything to loose you put your life of the line more... and I like the adrenaline rush a lot." She said and they both laughed.

Jonathan realised they both were running away from their pasts and people out there who wanted to kill them. Both had done something to deserve punishments for their crimes. However Jonathan's crime rate was a little high.

"Why did you tell me all of that?" He asked she had risked her life more by telling him this.

"I dunno maybe because you helped me and I owe you that's why." She said but she did not believed that it was something else which made her tell all of her life.

"Can I ask you something?" She said.


"Why do you have scars on your body, you don't look like a person who gets into fights." She asked with a little laugh. The question made Jonathan flinch.

All the marks his father had given him. The battle scars, where the sword had pierced him, runes fading. All the memories flooded back and he felt like falling into dark abyss. His vision was getting blurry.

Suddenly a pair of hands gripped his shoulder. "Are you okay?" A sweet voice said, he shook his head and his vision was focusing again.

He found Kiara was kneeling on the ground next to him with her hands on his shoulder. "Hey hey look at me. Don't faint, focus on your breathing." She said snapping fingers in front of his face.

He listened and focused on his breathing and her face. She had a small scar under her ocean blue eye which was not that noticible but he liked it, it made her look tough and beautiful at the same time.

"I am okay, thank you."

"Yeah your welcome, it looked like you were having a panic attack." She said looking confused. "I am sorry if my question started the attack, you don't have to answer. I was just  curious... I didn't mean to pry." She said looking sorry.

"It is not your fault it's okay. I am fine. It happens sometimes." He said with laugh. "Plus you helped me." He said and winked. Kiara blushed. What? Kiara never blushes.

They both sat there in silence for sometime. It felt like hours but it had only been a few minutes.

Suddenly there were three knocks on the door. Jonathan never has guests So, who was knocking at his door.

They both looked at each other to have their suspicion cleared.

They were found.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 [𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now