When a Curse is part of God's Blessing

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Have you ever felt that life has been unfair to you? Have you asked, why do others seem to have it all even though you think you deserve better? While you do not want to blame God, have you ever asked Him why He is allowing this?

When we started our vegetable business, I had to compete with wealthy and established farmers from Cagayan de Oro and Bukidnon. Aside from them having better lands, they were also well connected and had access to more funds. They had greenhouses and tractors, and were able to hire agriculturists and consultants to run their farms. While ako, I had none of those. One day I asked God, "Lord, bakit ganoon? Hindi naman nagprepray yang mga yan at hindi nagbabasa ng Bible, bakit mas marami kang binigay sa kanila?"

Because I could not hire an agriculturist or consultant, I had no choice but to study agriculture myself. Because I did not have money for a greenhouse nor a tractor, I had to come up with creative ways to compensate for what was needed. And since I felt that I would not understand the modern way of farming, I decided to read old farming books and studied how people from the past survived with meager resources.

Today, most of my competitors have 'closed shop' because when calamities came, they were not able to pay their loans and thus, they also lost the ability to pay their agriculturists and consultants. When these people left, their 'expertise' left with them. On the other hand, sa farm namin, because we did not borrow, we had no loan to worry about. And since I am not going anywhere, the knowledge learned and experience will remain with the farm forever.

Then it dawned on me, the curse I had to go through in the beginning was really part of God's blessing. What I then thought was a liability, turned out to be an asset. Baka naman ganoon din sa inyo. What you feel is a curse today may in fact be God's grace for you.

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