Do not ask "WHY" instead ask "HOW"

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If you want to get the most out of your TV set you will read its operating manual in order to understand how it works. When you see an instruction, do you ask "why" you should follow it? No, diba! Instead, you would ask "how" you can follow it so that you can enjoy all the benefits from your TV. Why should you respect what the manual say? Because it comes from the manufacturer and as its creator they would know best.

When you read a science manual, say a book on physics, do you ask why you should follow the laws it explains? A wise person will ask "how" he can apply the law so that he can use it to his benefit. But a fool will challenge the law and do something else, but he will soon find out that nature will not bend to man and will always prevail.

If we ask "how" and not "why" when reading an operating manual and a science book, shouldn't we do the same when reading the Bible?

If you believe that God created the world, you must then see the Bible as an instruction manual that He gave so that we can get the most out of life. The Bible contains the instruction of the Creator and the laws of the world He created. He gave us His laws to guide us so that we may succeed and not get hurt. The wise will read the Bible and ask "how" he can apply God's laws, but the fool will ask "why", and if the law does not make sense to him he will do something different. But God will not bend His laws for man and, like nature, He will always have His ways. This is why God said in Joshua 1:8

"This book of the law (instructions) shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.

If you want to get the most out of life, be wise and always ask "how" you can obey. Do not be a fool by asking "why" you should obey and get hurt in the process.

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