Chapter 1- Best friends forever

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"Race you for meat buns Sahi!!"

"I'll be there first shortie"

"Oh, its on!"


"ASAHI-SAN SAHI SAHI!!" I heard an loud shrieking sound follow behind me, then i turn to see a tornado of energy, aka my best friend Nishinoya Yū. Wait! You haven't met me yet, I'm Asahi Azumane. I'm a third year at Karasuno, and I played the ace position on our volleyball team!

I mean, I'm a pretty basic dude. The most interesting fact about me is my multiple siblings, or as I call them, sleep killers! They have more energy than Hinata and Nishinoya combined. -(scary, very scary in my opinion)-

"So, that's why I was late. Stupid Miss Nao. That's probably why she's single" Nishinoya said with pride, breaking Asahi from his ~narrator internal speech~ "I mean, as much as I dislike Miss Nao. She is entertaining, to my dismay of course."

I laugh, and reply with "You know, I had Miss Nao in my second year as well. She was a pain, but certainly interesting!" With Nishinoya, we just click. Its so easy to carry on any conversation, serious or not. He listens, with his other friends its like he cannot pay attention. But with me, it's like he gives me his undivided attention. Or until Tanak-

"OH ASAHI-SAN" There's thing two, Tanaka. I mean, he doesn't truly like me in the sense of besties per-say. But he's still nice to me, especially since most second and first years walk over me. I find it hard to say no, like something with me just can't. I think its the disappointment they have in their eyes, those damn puppy dog eyes.

It just breaks my heart, "So, Sahi. Me and Tanaka were wondering if we could walk alone today." Nishinoya says, as much as it hurts. I understand, I mean most of the time when I'm not talking, I avoid all human contact. So I can be pretty boring. I admit to defeat, "Oh! Okay! I have to get home early anyways." So much for best friends.

"Perfect! See you later Sahi!" Nishinoya says, giving me one of those big bright smiles. Its his signature, but for some reason, this time. I feel different, like I'm being carried away by birds, fuck. Please tell me I'm not thinking what I'm thinking this feeling is..

Oh my god- it is.


The second I get home, I'm welcomed by the lovely sounds of screaming. Possibly from my sister  Anastasia and Mei. I rush to my room, slightly slamming the door so my sisters don't hear me in the house. I grab my heart, and recall every event.

Have I really liked him this entire time and just not noticed? I mean, after Suga and Daichi started dating and I really had nobody but Nishinoya I must of developed feelings for him. I mean, who wouldn't? Nishinoya has this lovable face. So cheery and designed. With the brightest smile you can see from a mile away.

Don't get me started on his eyes, woof. I can get lost in them- Holy, I have a crush on Nishinoya. I mean, at least I'm self aware but darn it, what if I lose him? What if he thinks being gay is weird, what if he laughs at me? Oh no.

Tears swell up into my eyes, staining my shirt with droplets. Hurting, just imagining losing him. Suga and Daichi are nice, but I know the truth, once they started dating I was sort of forgotten. I don't blame them, I was quite plain, but it still hurt. They got new friends and everything, I only see them sometimes walking by in halls.

I quit volleyball because I needed to "focus on my studies" which was honestly far from the truth, I just couldn't take being there. Everybody had something figured out, but me. They know what to do, they're prim and proper and I'm me. I get called an offender like four times a week, Its not always easy being me.

But at least I have Noya, well for now at least.

Hi! Its author-san, hope you enjoy the first chapter! i don't know when the next chapter will be out but hopefully soon! since school is keeping me pretty busy and content so I'll have to write at night and proof in the morning, so expect updates in the afternoon est.

fin 685

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